The Cold
Read Count : 127
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
I wake up and and look around. "The plain I was just in crashed. Where am I think think" ( I say to my self ) "yes. Now I remember we was flying over Antarctica" ( not even feeling the cold ). I stand up and go to walk and fall . "Ha I should have brought my snowshoes if only I would have known". I walk over and look into the Wood's. " And I bet there's bloody wolves in there " I walk over to the plain. " Hello!!! Is anyone alive I bet there's a bloody wolf on the other side going to eat my ass I better shut up. I walk over to the plain that is on fire. " No need in fire wood ha ( I say as I get close to the fire. It's getting dark ( strange chatter is coming the woods ). Yep my ass is eat tonight " I can see a silhouette of something running through the woods. " That's too big to be a bloody wolf almost looks like a horse" it runs up to the fire and I fall to the ground. It as the body of a horse the upper torso of a man and the horns of a bull a spear in its right hand and a sword in it's left. Around it's neck is many skulls they look human. But I cannot tell it looks at me and smiles as if it can see into my very soul and runs away. Now I hear more chatters like there's more then one. I know I will die here I run into the plain and wright the cold is then I feel something hit me in the side. I look and the spear stuck in my side I look outside of the plane. standing by the very fire it was before that's evil horrible creature looking at me with that evil smile. I fall over just as I close my eyes I opened them again back on the plane. Nothing is wrong and everything is fine it was all a dream I think just before plane starts to crash into the snowy desert.
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