You Owe Me Read Count : 117

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Imagine you growing up with someone almost exactly your age. Someone you look up to you love, he’s our brother in a way. But one day something changes for him and your life starts down a path you could never imagine. 

To give you an example of just how bad things got this is one night in the middle of many. That my brother would tell me I upset him and owed him what he wanted for being a useless whore. 

Late one night in mid October my loving brother decided to text me. He had a rule about him being the only one allowed to text first. If I wasn’t up and answer right away he would text me the next night. In these cases I was in more trouble than I could handle. The night before he had texted me but I was tired from fighting with my loving boyfriend that day. I had defended my brother yet again for his terrible actions. 
When I didn’t answer he texted that he’d text me again the next night at around 11pm. He said I’d better be up if I ever wanted to talk to him again. Being that i still had to see him often despite his terrible actions I was afraid to upset him. 
I waited up that next night. 11 came and went but I was to afraid to sleep. I knew not answering him tonight could mean getting beat or forced to please him in ways that made me sick to my stomach. 12 rolled around before he texted me. He seemed in a good enough mood but little did I know what he had in mind. 
He was friendly at first asked me how I’d been and how I was doing. He let me talk about my life and I’d ask him about mine but he tired of that game quickly. Soon he was questioning me about what I had been doing the night before and why I hadn’t answered him. I answered all his questions honestly and apologized for upsetting him. He wasn’t satisfied... 
Looking back I should’ve know he’d make me please him using my body but I couldn’t have known what he’d make me promise him. First it started out as wanting me to take pictures of myself for him. Then he wanted me to tell him how much I loved him and wanted him. I lied and boasted his ego hoping he’d be done with me and go to bed so I could try to forget by morning. No such luck. 
He said that he was at his moms who lives only a couple miles away. He said that it the pictures weren’t good enough that he wanted to come over and make me sneak out to have sex with him. When I said I didn’t want to have sex he acted offended and told me he’d be gentle and I trusted him so I should let him. When I still said no he got more persistent and angry. He demanded to know why I wouldn’t sleep with him I said it was because I was scared of it. Which while was true it wasn’t me only reason. I wanted me first time to be special and with someone I loved. I didn’t love him that way. 
He then went on to describe to me how he’d do it and that I’d have fun and feel good. I submitted and said maybe one day but not now because neither of us had a license. He said he’d ride his bike over but I got him to scrap the idea cause it was cold and my parents were up (they weren’t). He then reminded me the pictures weren’t enough and I owed him for making him stay up and for not answering him. I asked what he wanted me to do to make it up to him. Big mistake.
He said that the next time we hung out I show have sex with him to make up for it. I said I wasn’t read and while he was irritated he agreed to not having sex. He then tried to get me to agree to giving him a blow job and any other form on sex he could think of. When I said no to them all he was pissed he said I owed him and that I was being selfish. I apologized and tried to get him to understand how much it scared me. He liked when I submitted to him. He liked seeing me little and helpless. 
He softened up on me some and said that I still owed him but he’d take it easy on me since he loved me. He said that I had to agree to making out with him since he had let me not have sex with him. He made a list of demands and things I had to do and let him do. 
I had to:
Take off my shirt
Let him text me cheats and touch under my bra
Let him touch privates how ever he wanted
I had to kiss his (this was one of the hardest because I believe a kiss is something sacred between those who love each other) 
I had to touch him for at least five seconds
Let him touch my ass and take off my pants if he wanted
I had to wear matching underwear and bra
I couldn’t wear makeup 
I had to let him grind against me 
I couldn’t tell anyone 
Lastly he made me promise him something I still can’t shake to this day 
My virginity 
With that he sealed me fate and went to bed pleased with himself. He held firm that even though were going to make out it didn’t get me off the hook for not answering him. 
The next time I was to see him was two weeks later at my early birthday party... exactly 3 years after he had changed his views on me and taken things to far for friends. Happy birthday me.... that night I carved his nickname in my led with a box cutter. . . B

Please let me know what you guys think of this story if you guys are okay with it I will keep publishing another chapter of this story at least once a week hopefully


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