Voices. Read Count : 148

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
This dull headache just won’t go away. 
Such a pain accompanied with these familiar voices that are here to stay. 

I hear them, they whisper and they yell. They never seem to go away. 
I talk to them, quite aware it is only in my head. Arguing with myself again and again. All night until day break, when will this end? 

Am I crazy? 
Im sure, it’s not hard to tell. 

These voices are not in my head, they are those of you saying things to me projecting your own negativity you carry around. 

Ouch, did that leave a bitter taste in your mouth? Well, remember it as a dose of your own medicine. 

You see, I’m arguing with these voices sounding crazy I bet but you’re listening to the same ones that are so obscene to adhere to yet you still believe in. 

So pipe down, I’m trying to get my head on straight. Even with all of these demons I must annihilate, I know I have the will power within to succeed and become innovated to an elevated way of thinking.  

So call me crazy with your minuscule opinions. It’s obvious that you can’t see the big picture with your narrow minded visions. 

Having a resistance to all your voices and opinions proves that I am gifted with a vision beyond this society’s way of thinking. 

Judge me with your prison written scripts you all read from. I’ll smile and laugh because you’re just another voice I’ve overcome. 

I never was one to follow. 
I never wanted to be another number force fed absurdity to swallow only to be thrown up onto those who aren’t mindlessly wallowing in beliefs that aren’t even their own. 

This resistance I possessed against those I was suppose to follow, believe in and obey was never easy. The isolation only lead me to contest those locking me in this prison. This war I fought over and over finally awarded me a solution that got me out of society’s institution. 

I’ve won, those voices are finally gone. 
I have my own thoughts, I have my own voice. Believe in yourself and remember you always have a choice. 

Are you going to read from a script your whole life or speak out with that spirit within shedding light to those reciting words on pages that aren’t their own locked away in cages. 

Victor “Zeek” Herrera Jr.


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