Your Next Steps Read Count : 157

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Sports
Your next steps will determine what your life will be like.

It is not wrong to be tempted to do something, but if you let that thought progress to the next rung on the ladder of life, that is where the wrong begins:

Have you been tempted to cheat on a person in a relationship with you?

Do you feel you should get a new job because the adversity there is too much to handle? What's going to happen at the next place there is pressure? Will you keep giving up all of your life, instead of pushing through with your faith and getting victory. Yes, there are times you need to quit a job or whatever to take care of yourself, but don't let it become a bad habit you perpetuate every time you get in a bad situation.

Shaquem Griffin, the football player, said: "I don't define myself by my successes. I define myself by adversity, and how I have persevered."

Look up his name in your browser and read about his life with only one hand due to a childhood disease. It is very inspiring, and can help you with your circumstances. Your situation may not change right away, but your attitude toward it will change, and that is the key to making a difference in your life.

What would your attitude be about yourself and life with only one hand? Self-pity? 

I grew up with epilepsy and blindness, and resided in the pit of pity for part of my life. It wasn't until I took a look at what I was doing to myself and my attitudes, that things began to change. If you let self-pity hang onto you for too long, it can put you in the morgue. 

King David, in the Bible, saw a beautiful woman taking a bath when he was looking out over his kingdom. He let that temptation keep going, had sex with her and got her pregnant, then had her husband killed. Do you see the progression of temptation in this example?

Whatever you are tempted about, the next steps you take beyond that will help determine the course of your life. And, after you do this once, it becomes easier and easier to do it the next times----until your life is in ruins. Is that what you want to look back on someday, a ruined life you can't fix?

Go out there like Shaquem and confront life, no matter what you are going through. He not only confronted players in the games he played, but took up the challenge of living his life to the fullest, despite what was "wrong" with him. What will you do with your life and circumstances?

 If you want God's help, commit your life to him sincerely----then watch what he does with your life in a positive way. He loves you greatly, and will help you with the small and big things in your life. He desires to have a loving relationship with you, but it is your choice to make.


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