Break-ups Are A Blessing
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I am so thankful for my previous break up. I broke up with a woman who I thought was the 'love of my life' about 2-3 years ago. I actually thought 'okay, my worst wide awake nightmare has come to life'. I was heartbroken at the time. This girl was honestly my best friend at the time. We lived together for about 7 or 8 months. We had a cushy life together. When we split, I thought I woud NEVER find someone again. Now, its true to say i haven't found another woman yet. However, that break up was the kick in the ass i needed. I had to re evaluate myself, my psychology and work on my relationship skills. In truth, I am an introvert type of person. I LOVE spending time alone. I am very very independant. As a result, I have got into a 'selfish' routine. My ability to have tolerance or compassion for people has been diminished over the years. I essentially lost her to find myself. That break up was the catalyst to kick start my writing/blogging/music career again. I may have never started writing again. All those negative emotions NEEDED someone to be released. I adore writing & my catharsis lay in self expression and writing. I am abstinant now, working on my skills and paying more attention to my authentic feelings. I miss what we had but....after all the turmoil...all is not lost. ♡
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