Read Count : 236
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Comedy
Zero flys back to where,superman is and tells him..."ya see!" i handled that pretty well! didnt i cousin?"he prided himself.yes you did...ok zero! but....im still not too convinced that you can handle this big city and its crimminals.ill stay awhile til im convinced myself."ok supz!" you got it" he says to Superman.at the same time."wait ....my super hearing is picking up something troublesome!"superman was always alert!"THERES DANGER COMING ZERO!COME ON LETS GO!"IM WITH YA COUSIN"they both take off into the mid air sky! superman informs zero that theres a dangerous enemy that has come back after him.his name. is KANDOR!! I want you zero out of sight...ok? zero doesnt reply! he ignores his cousins request,and still flys onward."so who's KANDOR?"he asks."KANDOR COMES FROM OUR OLD PLANET KRYPTON! HE'S A RENEGADE REBEL WARRIOR ,OF THE IMPERIAL ARMY ON KRYPTON .HE WAS MASTER SARGENT! HE FOUGHT IN SOME OF,THE TOUGHEST BATTLES IN OUR PLANETS HISTORY. but time came for the solider to,retire which he refused to leave battle office. they literally,had to excommunicate him by FORCE! WHICH WHEN HE SEEN THAT ,IT TOOK THE ENTIRE IMPERIAL ARMY ITS SELF,TO BRING HIM DOWN HE WENT AGAINST ALL! HE'S HATED MY FAMILY EVER SINCE.AND PROMISED THAT,WHOEVER WAS IN MY genealogy bloodline would be destroyed that he would hunt us down and destroy our entire people including you zero!!! for you are my first and only cousin from Krypton. i must WARN YOU! ZERO! KANDOR IS THE ULTIMATE IN BATTLING! YOU NOT EXPERIENCED ENOUGH TO TAKE HIM ON,SO LET ME HANDLE THIS FIGHT......ALONE!"zero looks at superman face and sees ,he's very serious! "ok Superman! i gotcha!" he says plainly.