A Story Not A Life Read Count : 138

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Have you ever once thought in your life that its going to be the end but it never comes...... 

Well I thought that everyday of my life until it came.... I'm going to tell you my.. Life..... No not life anymore... My story. 

It all begin in high school I kiss my mom good bye and left to school. It was a sunny morning. I put my face in the air and smiled, my long hair flew behind me. I got to school. I went to my locker, switch my shoes and close it.  I turn around "bang". Everything began to turn blurry. My head rang, it was like i couldn't breath. I stumble back and lean on the locker. My vision came back I look around it was still blurry. I raised my hand to my face. Something red came from my face. I put my hand on my head where it was coming from. I look at my hand to see blood. Finally my vision was clear. A boy was in front of me looking worried. But my vision got blurry again, "so this is the end".  I open my eyes to see that I'm in the same place as before where I'm about to turn around.  I stop my self and jump out of the place where I was before. I hit the ground with a "thud". I turn around to see what was that. I got up and look at my locker to see a bullet in my locker. I see a boy running to my locker. He looks around until our eyes meet. "Are you hurt!? " he says. "Sorry it was a stupid dare to bring a gun to school and I lost control". He say's in a awkward way. I go up to him. He stared at me in a confused way. I raised my hand to him "crack". My blow on my fist from punching him and walk away. He stares blankly. The bell rang, but I didn't care. "What the hell happened!"I mutter to myself. How did I go back in time. I run out of school. "Buzz" I feel something in my pocket. I take it out I cross the street. "CRASHED". I feel myself fly up in the air. My blood rushes to my brain. i start to turn unconscious. This time my heart rings.... No this time its the end right? 
I open my eyes to see I'm back where I was about the cross the road. I stop in my tracks. I look around and see and trailer coming its spinning out of control I start to run as fast as I can. "Boom" the back of my body begins to feel hot. It feels like. Something pushing me in the air. Its...... Its.... Fire. I hit the ground I look up to see the explosion and the trailer brunt. I laugh, hahah...... haha. I run my fingers threw my hair. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!  I plop on the ground. I lay my head on the ground. its still shinning. And hot. I leave the explosion to die. And start to run home. I random guy grabs me and slips a knife in me and grabs my bag then run a away. I fall,  I start to twitch and look down at the big size knife inside my stomach. I take out the knife crying of the pain. I tried to get up, successfully I did. But my body is begging to sleep. My eyes are getting heavier and heavie. My feet won't take in other step. Its like I'm in quick sand. I drop to the floor I shake my head trying to resist the restrain. But I can't its too powerful then I fall asleep. I wake up again to see myself walking right into where the guys about to stab me. I stop and run the other way. Some how the guy saw me running away and start to chase me. I go in a building run to the elevator. I press the button to open. "Come on!?, Come on" I yelled. I look behind to see the guy catching up hiding something  in his sweater. I already know what is it. I throw my bag to him. He stops and smiles taking it and leaving. "That all I had to do".  The elevator doors began to close. "I have to get off here".  I mutter as I'm going up. Then the elevator stops. I look around. "Hello"? I called but no one answers. "Hell-". "Thrush". The elevator drops down really fast. I keeps falling. Help! Help!  No one answers. It hits the ground with a "crash". The floor crumples so fast my legs shatter. My joints go up. This time it happens so fast i know for sure I'm dead. I open my eyes to see myself in the elevator again. This time I put my weight against the elevator hand drills. The elevator lands my head hits the floor. I open my eyes but its different this time I'm in the same spot on the ground. I get up but my whole body is sore I look around to see bruises everywhere on me. I get up. I sit there in the elevator waitng. Suddenly a rope goes down. I look up but its too dark I grab it. I pulls me up. I reach the top. People ask if I'm alright they take me to the hospital. After 7 days of sleeping or at least that's what I heard from the nurse. They let me out. I felt soreness all over. But ever since that day it keeps happening. If I get in a accident I get back in time to change it. My whole life kept going and when I was old it took me back again to where I was about to die again and again. My life is..... A story and nothing else. Because if it was my life I could be able to control it. And its a story because it feels like someone writing on how I die and how I have to fix it.


  • very good

    Mar 04, 2018

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