The Beginning Of The End Read Count : 99

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
My name is Michael Gaines, I'm 35 years old, born and raised in Washington DC, the second youngest out of 6 brothers and one sister. Since a kid I never knew my parents, I was brought up by my grandmother, I never knew why I was sent to her but I had so what of a good time...I was told that my parents couldn't afford to take care of me which to me was BS cause they had my other siblings but I was left behind...I can't really say I had a good childhood or none at all, due to the absence of my parents, so I tend to dip into silliness and horseplay, was never taught much growing up, I never really paid attention in class, but when I did I had some good grades nothing over a B or C but I was smart, maybe not Howard, Yale, or Harvard smart but I was very educated, not saying I'm dumb but I'm somewhat book and street smart. was always bullied, lied to, used, abused on all levels, and manipulated then and now by classmates,  false friends, family, relationships, etc...not a day goes by when there's no drama, always drama in my life, I blame those who done me wrong, said mean things, but at the same time I blame myself for the path I chose, all my life during all these things, one thing stood out, always been on my mind but never attempted to do it, haven't had that thought in my mind for awhile untill now, and man it is really killing me inside...I know it's a sin, but walm in my shoes and you'll see why. I'm better off not here.


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