Simplicity Read Count : 147

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
Simplicity isn't that simple. At least that's what I've come to believe.  Too much, everywhere, all at once, crowding, training, convincing ... oh the appeal of a billboard, a magazine, reality tv, movies.... But that's not life---Is it?  I'm not sure anymore. We've been forced fed for so long now--that not only do we swallow on our own, we beg for more. So many try to live and mirror a life of illusion; a mockery of fate twisted and hypnotized by societal control.  It is far from simple falsifying oneself to appease the appetite of the 'collective.'   Yet, when that's all one has ever known, experienced--lived, how to brake free...
What's even more difficult is knowing,
seeing and over analyzing in search of justification. Wanting so much to go against the grain--stop hic-upping, let go of the pause button and move. Yet I think to many thoughts - ideas down that rocky driveway--to afraid in, 'knowing,' that you may pave the wrong driveway.?.?  Yet is the wrong one success or failure?  Either one could make you happy; either one can make you one of, 'them. There's no such thing; you decide. Land where you may--just make the choice to be You! 
The ignorance (and that doesn't mean stupid by any means) marches on with crowd and languishes in what they believe to be inadequacies. With this they grasp in every direction.  They're guided by the sign ( all facets of the media) and try to mimic the latest fads and follow the newest trends. This often comes, again, from various media. This brings new found thoughts and beliefs. Sadly many are negative stereotypes that lead to blatant bigotry.
Don't get me wrong; we all need acceptance, belonging etc... That's human nature.  
It just disturbs me -- watching this fabricated society tangle and untangle before us -- swelling more and more each day--choking our originality and polluting our sense of self. 


  • Love this.

    Mar 04, 2018

  • yes . disturbing

    Mar 04, 2018

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