"WHO AM I?" Read Count : 113

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
The story "Who Am I?" is about young teenager girl named Quentisha Bagley who lives in particularly rural city with her younger sister Brie and . they strife to have a peaceful environment among each other but tensions rise between mother and father. it often sets dysfunction and hardship for quentisha and her younger sister. so throughout the story, she tries to have normal life within the  family and go to high school at same time. it happens to effect her in very unhealthy way. 

  Chapter One  it was morning in the big capital of Illinois and the tiny brown feathered birds chirping outside of the city's' park. they walked in ..groups and then by itself. their black eyes widened at the sight of  big feet and tall bodies scared them. so they flew off and head south to the projects of Chicago. one of the birds mounted on the rooftop of Quentisha s' parent house.  itself sitting on the dry piece of land and partially guarded by rusted out fence with no locks to permanently locked both ends. though the heavy rusted metal and mercury been part of the Bagley's property for many years. there was promises from Mr. Bagley to have that fence fix and it never did get fix. it just stands up and left Quentisha parents home on Oakman street halfway vulnerable.   The thugs and homeless persons can hideout or invade at anytime but Mr. Bagley always be saying"Don't worry Babe, i got my secret weapon on locked. those dummies ain't going to lift no parts on this here-Porch.."   his wife Brianna be look at him with those "I Am Not Stupid" eyes all the time. it the same look that Walter's Mother  given to him in the "RAISIN IN THE SUN" PLOT.  she usually walks away and see what their kids be doing. she leave her husband in dead silence and be somewhere else. while he go and think of something to win her acceptance of his idotic behavior.

Like before the Bagley kids get ready for school, Mr. Bagley went into the Basement and got his Secret weapon. he  came upstairs and  had the baseball bat behind his back. he turns around to the kitchen door and then smile cheesy at his wife Brianna. she been married to Mr. Bagley for almost 12 years and at early age, she had their kids because so called "Husband" Armon Bagley thought they could handle babies.  Please, this boy not man right here worked at a plant on the otherside of town and secretly up to no good. 

his wife Brianna and their kids was not buy Daddys too easy of smile. he looked at  them all and he said 'Girls, i like to introduce you to "LINDA". She is daddy secret weapon and this here going to protect us all.." he then placed the bat on the table to be examined and Briana gave her husband the "What is wrong with you?"  look to him and he just shrugged his shoulder. she placed her spoon in the bowl with leftover milk and just folded her hands. 

At the moment, nobody is hype like Mr. Bagley. even Quentisha decided to end her eating and grab her sister bowl. she went to her mother and just shake it sideways. then she wash the dishes in the sink and ran up the stairs because their house had only one more floor level and that was the attic. her and ten year old Brie share the attic space since dearest mother  can only afford house on social security income. it not like their mother poor but she did leave her parents home at age 16 and stay with other relatives. the fact is Quentisha made her little sanctuary good enough. she grab her bath bucket and clothes to change in the bathroom downstairs.
while Brie left finally and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek, she then too get her little pink bucket and clean up for school day.  after that the girls thrown the dirty clothes down the laundry shoot and grab their backpack.  their mother leaves the kitchen for the moment and walks halfway to the girls room. she takes out five dollars and open her hands to one of them. brie came forth and place their money in her pocket to be safe.  she smiles and hugs her mother, her older sister comes and hugs too.

 their young mother filled with love and support for them. she looks at them and said, "You both remind me of myself.  Going to school to grow up as young lady. look at me now, talk like my mother...Yall just too pretty and have fun at school. i handle your father." She laughs after talking to her daughters whom both beautiful African american females. one of them is tall with brown skin and medium black hair. the other short with pigtails and smart. they left with mothers lovin and walk up to the school bus stop.  they wait for the bus to pick them up and take them to their respective schools.

As they were gone, their mother closed the door downstairs and look at the father cleaning "LINDA" with her good towels. she warms up her hands as  he look up at her with the nice cotton towel now dirty, she went and smack him on his face. he walk back and covered his face as it still ache from the whooplash. he drops the bat on the kitchen floor and ran to the bathroom to cool his face. she comes to put him in "Checkmate' but he closed the bathroom door quick. 
she turns the corner and bang on the door "Armon, you coward. you going to defend our family with a stupid pasttime bat from the basement! YOU Fool!  You sat  the bat on the table that we all eat on and try to scare our kids..Tell Me, WHAT IN THE French Toast Possess you to bring Nasty Germs to our home?!"

"Well Baby. i was showing you my weapon. you didnot believe me." he said winningly as he splash water on his head from the sink water be turns on. then he listens for her response but she really giggles quietly and bangs on the door again. "Open this door, i call your parents.. "

she barks at him and he locks it. he turns on the shower and takes off his clothes. "I am not come out because i am take shower." he enters the tub and let the lukewarm water hit his average black male body but Brianna is not going to wait for him all day. she took "LINDA" and then thought of better way to handle this. she went to their room with small built in bathroom and put Linda down.  she took quick washup and put on clean clothes, she then resume to take Armon Bat somewhere. 

her running sneakers on and her applebottom jacket zipped up, she heads to the other batheroom and said "While You Hiding like a Coward, Me and Linda going for a Walk, I Be Back to Clean our HousE.." She then smirks and make her way to the front door. the water stops pour in the bathroom as Armon hurried to put some clothes on, he slips and then up open the bathroom door.

"Babe, where you going with my bat?" he asked and she ran out with his bat. he tries to catch her as he rush out with no shoes and got nothing on but  shorts. he yells 'COME BACK HERE, COME BACK HERE. LINDA MY ONLY BAT FROM MY DAD." He breathe hard but Brianna a track former student ran more air than him anyways. he all pushed to catch up but he couldn't get to her. he said once more "Babe  Please, Let me put her away. I am Sorry. i just go get a knife or gun.."

she looks back before she turn around and replied "Heck NAH. THERE NO TYPE OF AMMUNITION IN OUR HOUSE,. YOU GOING TO FIX THAT FENCE OR BIG DADDY COME HERE.." She means his military father Jackman whom taught him to be a man of wise decisions. if he were to be contacted, he fly in the next morning military style. so she turnt that corner and he never saw where she went. he was crushed and he went in the house upset and left for work hours later. 

he had not call Brianna yet nor if she seen him close to his shift ending. the girls came home from school and ask about their dad. all their mother could is "Daddy probably be home late and hang with the boys. Linda is no more." they didnot worry about it and they all prepare for dinner but Brianna personally hope she did the right thing. she clean up after dinner and made sure girls did their homework.  they went off to bed and still she looks out at the living room window for him. 

No sign yet bet she passed out sleep on the couch and still waits in her sleep.



  • Love it see my it's called a

    Mar 08, 2018

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