This Is It. (Chapter 3) Read Count : 105

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
I woke up, and figured out Maurice was shaking me. "Wake up, Kevin!" Maurice yelled at me. "Look at that." I sat up. A face...a monsterous face was staring at me. It had an oval face. White hair was on his head. He had tiny, red dots as eyes. He stared at me, grinning. Now it was giggling. What damn monster giggles? "What...what is that?" Maurice looked. "It looks like a yeti!" "Oh great!!!" I yelled. "Now we're attacked by Frosty the Snowman!" The main monster roared. But I could still hear the giggling. The damn roar seemed real, so Maurice and made a run for it. Now, the giggling turned to laughing, then the laughing turned to yelling. I figured out who was giggling, Maurice. He tilted his head back. "Wh-why are you so terrified?!" He yelled. "There's nothing there, and-and those roars where the pipes!!!!!" The monster crawled to Maurice, it stood beside him. Then the monster grabbed his neck and started squeezing, tighter, tighter, tighter. "HEEEELLLLPPPP!" Maurice screamed. "SOMEBODY, HEEEELLLLPPPP MEE!" I grabbed something heavy and through it at the yeti's foot. "YOOOOWWWW!" It yelled, then it roared came closer and closer to me. It grabbed my neck. Maurice's head popped off, then my head popped off.


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