This Is It. (Chapter 1)
Read Count : 113
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
Maurice was playing with his Nintendo Switch. I was playing on my PSP. It felt smooth on my skin. I had a rather square head, but Maurice had a circle head. He wore glasses that were silver. They sometimes made him sort of blind when he's in the sun 'cause they shine so much, so he has to take them of. I had a plastic eye, which is a damn bummer. They make fun of me in school. Goddamn is always upon me because of my plastic eye. We were going too Buenos Aires. We were on a plane. It was red with white stripes. Dad was the pilot. Mom was the co-pilot. We were on a private plane, and Maurice, Dad, Mom, Unce Fred, Aunt Andse, and I were the only passengers. It was taking a damn lot of time until Dad finally yelled, "We're here!" I shut my eyes on the landing. They make me damn nervous, I don't know why. "This is it." Aunt Andse said. "Buenos Aires."