Satyricon Tenebris Read Count : 146

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
When the woman bleeds, the satyr catches sent.

 Vada awoke upon a steep path. It lead down into the dark depths of an unknown forest. Vada looked behind her and found her way blocked by a large fallen tree. The only hope out was to descend.

 She had trouble making her way down. The path was covered in lose dirt, rocks, and other natural debris. Just when she thought she had firm footing, she would slip and come close to tumbling down. When she finally made it to the floor of the thick forest, she had no chance to celebrate. Intense cramps overcame her and she had to sit down. She found a stump off to the side and made her way to it.

 Vada felt light headed and nauseous. Her vision became blurry and she felt as if she was fighting to keep her head above water. It even became hard to breathe. The cramps would indicate that she was on, what her mother called, the woman's curse. However, the sickness that filled her made her feel much worse. Something was far more wrong with her then just that time of the month. Vada bent over and began vomiting.

 In that moment her head cleared and the pain dropped to a dull roar. She tried to remember how she got here. Vague images of her running away from something was all she could muster before a headache swelled inside her head. She decided to check the pockets of the cargo pants she was wearing. 

 First, she found a phone. It was cracked severally and refused to turn on. She tossed it aside. The only other thing she could find was a black BIC lighter. She flicked the wheel and pressed the red button. Fire appeared at the top. Good, at least something was working. Vada put the lighter back in her pocket.

 Feeling some strength return to her, She made an attempt to stand. She stumbled a little, but made it to her feet. She looked around the area. The forest was thick all around the small clearing she was in. There was only little light shining through where she was. Deeper in looked as if it was pitch black. The light couldn't break through the tightly hugging trees. If Vada was to find her way out, she would need to rig something up to see. She tore off a sleeve from her white shirt and grabbed a sturdy stick from the ground. Adding leaves and other burnables to the mix, Vada crafted a makeshift torch. Now that she had light, She made her way deeper into the woods.

 The eerie darkness just beyond the glow of the torch sent minor tremors through her. Vada also still felt slighty weak and her head was pounding. She paused when she heard a distant roar of rushing water. It appeared that a river or waterfall was somewhere close by. Fresh cool water sounded like just the trick to soothe some of the affliction that had hold of her.

 She came across a small lake with a waterfall pouring off a cliff overhead. She knelt down and cupped some water to her mouth with her left hand. Giving her self a moment to let the cool sensation washover her, Vada heard a stick snap in a direction behind her. She turned with the torch before her and tried to peer through the trees. She could not see any movement. Then a gruff sinister voice from the branches above spoke out.

"Ego olfacies vestri sexus" 

"I do not understand." Vada responded trying to scan the trees.
"Et odor suavis est. Nescio quam tu gustare."

 Suddenly, a creature that seemed part man, part goat, jumped down from the trees before her. It had a humaniod face with curved horns protruding from it's head. It smiled at Vada with crooked yellow teeth. A tongue peeked out between the teeth and caressed it's lips. 

 Vada slowly swayed the torch in front of her.
"Stay away!" She shouted.

 The creature lifted it's right hoof and crept closer towards Vada.

"No, Stay Away I told you!" Vada thrusted the torch in the creatures direction in a threatening manor.

 The creature pauses for a moment, "Et nomen habere volunt ludere cum ignis. Quam bellus."

 In a quick movement, the creature lunged at Vada, swiped the torch aside, and knocked her to the ground. The creature layed itself on top of her and licked her face. Vada squirmed and fought to get free.

"Nolite pugnam dulcis. sicut me in medio tui."
The creature tore at Vada's pants, making his intentions very clear. 

 Vada finally found her moment, when her left leg became briefly free. She kneed the creature in the crotch and the creature reared back. Vada then rolled free towards the torch and grabbed it. Then she thrusted the torch into the creatures furry pelvis. A high pitched squeal is released from the creature and it tried to make it's way to the water. Vada grabbed the creature by it shoulder and shoved it to the ground. She then shoved the torch in it's face and anywhere it had fur to light on fire. The screams got louder as it twitched in place. Vada then made a break for the trees.

 Battered and abused, Vada found her way to the edge of the forest. She was pleased to see sun light again as she gazed upon a grassy field. Beyond the field was a large crystal castle with a colorful rainbow hanging above it. Seeing this, Vada came to the conclusion that this world is definitely not her own.


  • bravo quite well done

    Mar 02, 2018

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