ANOTHER FREMMER STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Read Count : 125

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
(I don't own these, they come from School of Rock!) 

---Freddy's POV---

Mr.Finn gave me his 'I have to talk to you' look. 
I went to his desk.
"Freddy, I can't keep your secret anymore. You have to tell Summer how you feel." He says.
"No, I'm not ready, I want to tell Summer at-" I start as I see Summer come towards me.
"-hey- Summer!" I said. 
"Hey Freddy. I couldn't happen to hear my name." She said. I smile.
"I was about to say- 'Summer is the best person in the band' That's all..." I said. Summer nods, and sat back down.
"It's such a beautiful day," Summer points out.
"Yes it is! You know what Summer, I think I'm going to tell you--- uh- about my job!" I say.
"You have a job?" Summer asks.
"Uh-sure! Yes! I do. I- uh- I gotta go!" I say. Of course, I don't have a Job.

---at lunch---

"Hey Zack, hey Lawrence, hey Tomika... Hey Summer!" I greet everyone.
"Hey Freddy." Summer says. I smile.
"Hey. I have to tell you something. And- I'm gonna make the others leave the table. Goodbye all of you- except Summer- you sit down..." I explain. 
"Ok then" Summer says, as everyone left the table.
"Uh- well- Summer... I uh..." I start.
"You what?" Summer asks.
I raise my eyebrows.
"I like---- I like skateboarding!" I say.
"So, you basically wanted to be alone, and tell me that your into skate riding... Plus I already knew that." Summer says.
I nod.
"Pretty much. And I'm gonna correct you... It's skateboarding, not skate riding." I correct.
"I'm not into skateboarding..." Summer says.
"I AM!" Asher says, sneaking up behind us.
"That's what I meant- I mean, I LOVE skate riding!" Summer says.
Asher squints.
"Do you mean SkateBOARDING!?" Asher asks. I nod.
"I think that's what she meant." I said. Summer smiles.
"Thank you for backing me up! Hey, Asher, maybe we can, uh, you know, we 'boarding' together one day?" Summer says.
"Yes! Except, I have to go to the bathroom." Asher says.
"Ok, of course you do." Summer says, as Asher leaves. 
"Summer, before Asher says ANYTHING, uh, well first I have a question for you." I say.
"Go ahead and ask me!" Summer says.
"Well uh- do you like Asher?" I ask. Summer looks around.
"I trust you not to tell ANYONE what I'm about to tell you. I do. I like Asher. A lot. Believe it or not, I have pictures of him in my locker!"

To be continued... On a new page


  • Fanfiction FREMMER

    Mar 01, 2018

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