Written In The Stars
Read Count : 161
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
When drawn to a higher plane of understanding, with course of time, I sometimes pause to wander in my thoughts. How did I get here? When did I get here? What led me here? Where did the time go? As I sit and wander in my wonder, I realized.... Time, Fate and Destiny was what led me here. Is it okay to let my thoughts wander.... to sink in the feelings I have tried to deny for so long.... to realize with time drifting I've drifted many layers above and many layers underneath, into the heights and into the depths? I found out it is okay to allow my thoughts to wander. It is through it that I learned that the layers are the learnings; the maturity seeping in.... and it is pointless to defy fate. The love of yesterday, the growth of today, and the hopes of tomorrow.... somewhere between nowhere, I got that moment of mine when I sit in wonder, and when I sit and wander.