Jeepers Creepers Read Count : 42

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
Chapter 5:The finale

Andrea sits down with a jacket on her arms and a police officer holds a black tiny box and says "This was dropped when he got took" Andrea grabs it and opens it..It was a ring.


"Hey mom" Alex says with excitement in his voice "I'm gonna propose to Andrea when I get to your house..YES,i do love her, mother..Nothing can separate us now.." Andrea walks in as Alex hangs up and hugs her and says "We're going to my parent's house for something important and its for you and me.."

(End of flashback)

"He said something important for me and him...He wanted to propose.." Andrea says while tears flowing out of her eyes and more threaten to come out and Clarence comes in and says "Poor girl...Creeper will pay..I swear"

The song plays over and over again as Alex's eyeballs are taken out and the Creeper's eyes are no longer green,So the meaning behind this was he smells fear and he tastes on your fear and he took Alex for a reason..But,I can't tell you the reason now..You'll have to wait for the next book.


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