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We all have the blame, wrong they say, gun's kill people not people kill people. It has nothing to do with government, we have a right to bare arms. Now the problem is that as time progresses those rights become older. The way of thinking changes before blacks had no rights now they do, before the way we dealt with issues was different. If we all remember the western times people killed people. This is not something new it has been going on for years and years. As time changes the ways change. Laws are made to make up for that change. So how do we fix it you ask, simple whos been doing the killings. Most of the shootings done are done by people not right in there mind. So lets start there anyone who suffers from a mental illness which does not let them think for themselves should not be able to own a gun. Now what are those illnesses, simple (autism, depression, bipolar, ptsd, etc.) We have ways of knowing if someone cannot think for themselves. Pass a law that states you have to go through a mental stability class, a law that states that all id's will have to show if you have a mental illness, a law that does not allow you to sell your weapon to a person with a mental illness. Now there are many types of guns why not pass a law that states if not in the military, or law enforcement, and or security licensed to carry you cannot buy a assault rifle. For hunters with hunting licenses be able to buy certain guns. For home owners and civilians be able to buy only a certain selection. For collectors that want a certain gun make the gun unusable only for collection. This will help us control the gun use and even control attacks done to us, last pass a law if you are not a citizen of the united states havent been living here more than 10 years you cannot purchase a gun . These measures will answer the who, what, where, when, why, you can or cannot own that weapon. If confused fine let me break it down for you. Who can own a weapon, what you need it for, where you can use a type of weapon, why you need it, and when you can use that weapon. Lets help make our streets safe for ourselves, our families, our kids, and others. Government can only do so much why not help them make these choices we have a voice lets use it


  • agreed but there are some very clever sick minded individualsout there thats gonna get around it. js but this would surely savesome lives.

    Feb 28, 2018

  • danilo padron

    Danilo Padron

    thats where the law steps in and can make arrests

    Apr 28, 2018

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