Nightmares Read Count : 112

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Imagine having a nightmare every time you close your eyes. Having nightmares every night can take a while to get used to, but when you’re born with a dark soul, it doesn’t take long. My worst enemy is my memory. I envy the children and adults who have great memories. I loathe the twinkle in their eyes when they’re sharing a happy memory from a flashback. I’ve longed for that same twinkle in my eyes, and the happy memories that come with it. Not every nightmare happens when you close your eyes. Sometimes nightmares are your reality when you’re awake. But when I do close my eyes, my soul leaves my body, waves goodbye to me, and enters another world. I always imagined my soul finding the light, but instead my soul finds the dark. It’s like one big “F*** you!” When I wake up I’m always someone different. My eye color, hair color, body temperature, and attitude changes. Sometimes I stay as a different person for days, and more recently, months! I always wondered what it would be like to experience the world through someone else’s eyes, I just never knew their souls and bodies come with it. My greatest fear is, one day somebody else will take my place, permanently. 


  • i read a book very similar to this story and it was amazing. im going yo have to find that book now. keep writing it was great

    Feb 28, 2018

  • Thank you! @AnthonyMoorefield

    Feb 28, 2018

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