The Ghost TV
Read Count : 117
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
One day Tommy was scrolling down on the TV remote, and saw a interesting looking show. The she was called, Ghost Haunts. He started watching it, and felt an uneasy feeling as he watched the invisible being destroy a house. Tearing pictures from the walls, and completely destroying a living room. Just then he heard a loud crashing noise from the hall. "Who's there?" Asked Tommy. " I'm not scared of you." Said Tommy. He went back to the show, and heard a clock strike 12 noon. "WHO'S THERE?"Asked Tommy, realizing that it was his large clock he placed in the hall. All of the sudden he heard moans coming from the kitchen. "WHO'S IN THIS HOUSE!" Exclaimed Tommy. "It's me." A low whisper almost inaudible. " Who said that?" Asked tommy. "It is I, the ghost that has destroyed the house that is on tv. Time to destroy yours." Explained the ghost. "NOO! YOU WILL BOT DESTROY MY HOUSE!" Yelled Tommy. "Who's going to stop me?" Asked the ghost. "Me, and the Los Angeles ghost catchers." Explained Tommy. "There is nothing they can do for you." Said Tommy. "Why?" Asked Tommy."because I destroyed there place too." Said the ghost. The ghost destroyed everything in Tommy's house. The only thing left was his big clock. After the ghost destroyed the house the clock struck 1, and the ghost disappeared.