Read Count : 131
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Science and Technology
Ever thought what the future will hold? Will we be around, or would the world suddenly transform into a part alien part robot planet. Perhaps the alien/robot inhabitants would hold us hostage, sort of like modern slavery. Thinking about it, robots have pretty much begun to take most decisions. Though programmed we only hold the responsibilty of their job. Thats another thought to ponder. Quite soon robots will be programmed to perform tasks like we do. Imagine walking into work one day, and suddenly finding yourself face to face with a 6ft. Something tin can. Next thing you know your out on the streets, and the company your used to calling 'work' has become human free. Suppose you can't really blame them. Never heard of machines resting or eating. So hours saved on lunch breaks and vacations equals lumps of saved money. And whoever heard of 'machine rights', 24 hour service would hardly seem in-machane. Party time for the managers eh. Now I'm sure the wheels have begun to turn in your head, and your thinking 'thats messed up.' But it's a little too late for a re-do. The world is over peeps. Humans are going extinct, may be not literally. Since we won't be rewarded for mooching around, we'll have to relapse back to hunting for our food. When that runs out, well, you'll just have to hope your not next on the menu.
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