Jeepers Creepers Read Count : 126

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
Chapter 3:it all started 23 years ago

~23 years ago,1978 on April 23rd~

( btw,This story takes place in 2001.This is just a flashback for somebody New in this chapter)

Danny Hargrove gets out of the car slowly with his gun out and says "Creeper!! If you give Mikey back you can have me instead!!" Creepers flys back down with Mikey in his arms and Danny says "Take me...I'm stronger and I'm not afraid!!" Danny gets out his gun but Creeper puts his finger up while smiling,Thats how Danny sees it.Creeper starts shaking his finger side to side as Danny puts his gun down and says "Don't hurt him..He's my son,Creeper!!...Please,I'm afraid to lose him.." Creeper starts sniffing and puts Mikey down as Danny says "Run,Mikey!! Run back to the farmhouse and get the truck and leave!" Danny shoots Creeper in the head but Creepers just tilts his head back and hisses and then gets out an axe while grinning and starts running at Danny as somebody says "Hey ugly!" it was Katrina...She told Danny that she wanted to have a son named Alex and a couple of days later,she did..He was still in her stomach.Katrina begins shooting Creeper in the head and body and everywhere until she gets out a Machete and starts running at him and then stabs him in the head and says "Don't...ever fuck with Texas" she kind of struggles to say while she tried getting the machete out of his skull and Danny says "Thank you...Mikey is gonna be safe..He's leaving this hell that we call home" Katrina smiles and then says "He's not getting up..Let's go before he does wake up"

~Back to 2001~

Andrea wakes up in the truck again and leans on the wall as Creeper drives while she makes sure he doesn't see her and Somebody starts screaming the words "Creeper!!!!! Somebody's awake!!" Creeper stops the car as Andrea lays back down and he comes in the back of the truck while whistling "Jeepers Creepers,where'd you get those peepers." He starts looking around carefully,trying to smell fear in the truck and all of a sudden,he roars loudly which causes Andrea to start crying but she stops as Creeper stops roaring and then the same voice said "I know that she's awake,Creeper..I know that I shouldn't ever waste your time but..okay,It won't happen again"

(Texas,Alex's mother's house)

Alex starts pouring the coffee in the white and black cup as Martha says "Creeper only lasts for 24 more hours..We should hurry and move out by at least 9:35 Pm" Alex drinks some of his coffee and then says "As intimidating as that sounds,It's a good plan..But Creeper might expect that.."  Alex's older sister named Spencer comes out and says "Hey, Alex..I didn't even see you in here when I come from work last night.." Alex's mother rolls her eyes and then says "Of course you were at 'Work' and all that shit" Spencer and Katrina:(Aka:Alex's mom) keep arguing back and Fourth and it gets worse as Katrina calls Spencer 'Whore' and Spencer starts screaming and throws the pickle jar that Martha was using for her sandwich on the ground and says "IF YOU CALL ME A WHORE!!!!! I'M GONNA SHOW YOU A FUCKING WHORE,BITCH!!!!" Katrina starts trying to hit Spencer as Martha holds her back as Alex just drinks his coffee and then Katrina says "YOU FUCKING BITCH ASS WHORE!!!"Spencer makes it to Katrina and starts trying to slap her but then Martha gets in the middle of them and tries to talk over their screaming and says "Guys! Stop..!!!" Nobody listens and then Martha says "STOP!!!!!!!" Everybody stops as Martha points out to the window,Creeper is here again and Alex glares daggers at Creeper as Spencer says "Ugly bastard can't even get in here.." Alex holds his hand up and then says "I'll be back" he starts walking out of the house and approaches Creeper and says "I want Andrea back...Where is she?...WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE,UGLY BASTARD!?!" Creeper looks in the window and starts grinning at Alex's mom and Katrina looks back,Wondering who Creeper was looking at and then she noticed that Creeper was grinning at her and then Creeper flys in the house,making a hole in the ceiling as Katrina,Spencer,and Martha run out and The 4 of them start running and Martha says "Where's your car,Alex??" They all continue running as Alex says "Creeper took it down while he tried to get Andrea.." Spencer screams as Creeper pulls her up and Alex says "I forgot that Creeper can fly!! RUN FASTER!!!" everybody starts running faster than they ever have with Martha in the lead, Alex is behind Martha, and Katrina is in the back as they all see a truck and they start screaming the words "HELP US!!"

(In the truck)

Andrea hears people screaming "HELP!!!" she gets up and gets out of the truck from the drivers area and says "HURRY!!" the 3 get in the car as Andrea gets in the drivers seat and she begins driving faster than ever as Creeper flys to try to chase them and It comes close to Alex's side since he's in the passenger seat and Martha and Katrina are in the back of the truck.Nothing separates them in this truck so Martha sees it and says "DRIVE FASTER!!" Andrea starts driving faster and faster and faster until they hit something and they crash and they all end up passing out.

(1 hour later)

Andrea wakes up as smoke rises from the car and she starts coughing as Creeper lands and Andrea acts dead as Creeper tries to sniff but Andrea wasn't afraid yet..Creeper grabs Andrea and puts her on the ground and does the same with the other 3 and tries turning on the car and it doesn't work but he forces it and starts driving away as everybody gets up and Alex walks to Andrea and hugs her and says "I thought I would lose you" Andrea kissed Alex passionately and then says "Creeper will smell and eat us if we are afraid,so be tough because..This isn't the end yet" Andrea gets a 4 weapons from her pocket.A hatchet, A shotgun, a handgun, and last but not least,a Machete.She gives the shotgun to Alex, the handgun to Katrina, The hatchet to Martha and keeps the machete for herself and Katrina says "Looks like somebody has been fishing around in that car.." Andrea roll a her eyes and says "Lets go.."

The end of chapter 3



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