Old But Still Young
Read Count : 117
Category : Notes/work
Sub Category : N/A
We were friends. We met while taking our C.N.A. course many years ago. I was old enough to be her father. We started hanging out together, since we we worked together she was always giving me rides where ever I needed to go. After becoming good friends I found out she was married, something she had neglected to tell me at this point. One day we were in her car about to rent a movie to watch, when she turned to me and asked if she could kiss me. Now I'm not a bad guy, but I am a man who adores women. So I said ok, thinking no big deal just a kiss. Weeks past and we found ourselves sneaking kisses at work when ever we had the chance. Of course one thing lead to another and she wanted more and I was not one to say no. One of my flaws of my youth. Next thing I know she is showing up at my apartment almost every night unannounced. I knew this had to end soon, I just kept telling myself that I wasn't cheating on anyone, she was. So I wasn't the bad person. Bullshit! Years later I found myself working with another young girl, she was probably the prettiest young woman I have ever met. She was single and 17. I was old enough to be her grandpa. I didn't take long before we were making love in the conference room after hours and meeting up at motel rooms. My biggest problem back then was that I was a really good kisser and not bad at the rest. I'm happy to say I found the love of my life and she is a better kisser than me.