Soul Searching, Homeless In Arkansas Read Count : 110

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Cluttered among some of the most satisfying times of soul searching clarity in my lifetime was the first and hopefully only times that u could truly consider myself homeless. After my stint of a single calendar year as the innkeeper of tree stoic Italian villa/mansion motel perched on a crystal covered hilltop with hot springs virtually bubbling from the ground. After that time of cleansing work by the sweat of my brow and the wit of my tongue. After the healing year (2 if counting the stay) of flowers, music, family, and altruism at its best. I found myself cast aside.....thrown away... Turned away and ultimately alone. 

I had learned so much about life. Told myself that money was not what mattered. Convinced myself that if "I knew then what I know now"......well here I was ill prepared to put my illuminations to the test. 
I had put too much faith in mankind again and was jilted from a job/home. But alas I did not cave to the negative. I maintained a firm resolve and as I am actually writing this in the midst of the desolate situation in referring to, I decided to drink in the experience along the way. This is life. Its a ride. I sit at the edge of a lake with fresh clean clothes a shower this morning and with the 65 degree day and the cool breeze I can't quite see that my situation is dire. I will not only get passed it....I will do it with open eyes and an open heart, better than before and looking to learn and always improve.


  • yc

    Feb 27, 2018

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