Confessions Of Forbidden Love Part 3 Read Count : 108

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Romance
Chapter 27 end of the maze and a Rumble in the Jungle.

As we continued out through the maze getting past the obstacles became more, challenging than what we thought but the fortunate thing was we weren't running into as many traps and even more fortunate we found two more of the previous presidents of the Babyface gang's item but there are some very close calls not just trying to get to the items because of the obstacles but trying to get to the items because the flamethrower guy seem to be one step ahead of us and to make things worse are items that were given to us by our brothers who were waiting outside of the maze.

Wasn't exactly what we expected but there was enough of it for us to, share between us but still it was only due to the fact that we can bind all of our stuff together but we knew we had to do it in order to survive and I felt like I made a couple of new friends in the process we finally found out where the last item was hitting that was the good news the bad news was the flamethrower guy would most certainly be Garden it and to boot the area where is that was right by the exit and to make things even worse was the exit was the last obstacle something that none of us saw because it was a wooden plank above a pit full of venomous spiders and scorpions and that meant once again we had to maintain balance if we were planning on Surviving.

As we predicted the asshole with the flamethrower was indeed, guarding the last item but we knew we had to get the item at any cost that's when one of the other acolytes came up with an intriguing idea as I take a water bottle and three canisters and and some dry ice that we found the one and one of the supplies and begin to make homemade fire extinguisher to mine and the other acolyte knew precisely what he was doing as he used the torch to both cut and weld the canisters together.

When he was finished welding all three canisters twice over I watched as he welded, we got our pieces into a nozzle and then he added a couple of valves this long thick Holmes is at the top and bottom if both connections the homemade fire extinguisher was just about ready when he start pouring in the water and I'm finally added the dry ice and I'm finally he welded the top of the canisters closed now there was only one question to ask would it work or would we go up in flames?

Another big question was which one of us was going to use it? Because we knew, one of us had to protect the others and if the homemade fire extinguisher didn't work then that one would have to run and run fast they both knew that I would be willing and crazy enough to try it but I already had gone against him once which meant one of the other two had to go and face him I tried to tell them I would do it.

But they both agreed it was out of the question that I already had proving my worth, and they had to do the same which only meant one thing which of the two of them would do it it wasn't about the question of being brave or Fearless it was about who was going to be the fastest because that flamethrower had a good 8-foot reach and at best our little homemade fire extinguisher had about a 6ft at the most and that's if it worked.

So ever use the fire extinguisher had to be closed and they had to move quite, fast in order to dodge and fire off the homemade fire extinguisher and if that homemade fire extinguisher didn't work they would have to start running I wasn't touched for standing around we had a job to do and as the other two arguing amongst themselves who was going to test out the homemade fire extinguisher I knew that there was only one solution as I quietly grab the homemade fire extinguisher and slip out of sight.

As I walk up to the asshole and yell " hey you... You fucking dickhead!" He quickly, looks up and towards my direction then I say " you goddamn pile of fucking shit why don't you bring your God damn bitch ass bald headed dumbass looking self over here unless settle this like men!" What came next surprised me as he takes off the flamethrower and his body armor and throws it to the side then he says " now you throw down your poorly cheap ass made fire extinguisher and like you said we'll settle this like men."

At this point I knew he wanted a fist fight and if that's what he wanted then that, is what I was going to give him Rumble in the Jungle as we both moving clothes he throws the first punch across my face causing my head to turn but I quickly counter with a right uppercut he flies back but just barely and he's quick to counter my counter with a knee to the stomach followed by a left cross to my face I fall back I quickly get back on my feet and head-butting in the face I can hear a loud crunching sound as he covers his face with both his hands and I see blood pouring from his hands and I knew I broke his nose.

He smiles almost the blood from his face and flings It to the Ground, as a bum, rush is me and tackles me I counter with a foot kick to the stomach causing him to flip over me as we're both quick to get back up he quickly grabbed my arm and begin swinging me around slamming me into a wall I quickly returned the favor but added a kick to the back followed by a double fisted back chop but he quickly counters with a low leg sweep to the back of my knee as we both struggle to get back up on her feet I noticed that both our faces are bloody but the only difference was I wasn't breathing nearly as hard as he was as a running jump and do a drop kick to his chest he flies backwards spitting up blood.

I stood over him and waited for him to try to get back up but then I hear, Applause it was the Brothers who were watching then from the left of me came the other two acolytes as they said " man when the boss said that you were someone who took unnecessary risk he wasn't kidding." At this point I was highly confused as I said " what the hell are you two talking about?" But then Babyface Ben walks in and says " maybe I can chat a little bit of light I mean I do kind of know you a bit of an explanation but before I do will somebody please get Frankie off the pavement." 

Now I was even more confused than what I was before who the hell was Frankie, surely not the guy laying on the ground with the flamethrower as the other brothers began picking up the man with the flamethrower then the man with the flamethrower woke up and said " oh my God my entire body aches what the hell type of fighter are you?" Now is even more confused at least into Babyface Ben said " I told you he was a good fighter now do you believe me little brother Frankie." 

The guy with the flamethrower says " okay you are right he's a good fighter I'm, pretty sure Bing he just kicked my ass." Everyone starts laughing and I finally put two and two together I was on Plenty of danger but this was still all part of the test the trial by fire and the two guys I thought were acolytes we're both really moles that where both sent in by Babyface Ben to Watch Over Me but if that was the case then who would have to that died?

Babyface Ben told me how the whole thing was 90% I'm a setup this time around, but he had no choice he had to test me and the other two acolytes that had died in the maze why the two I was with we're actually moles Babyface Ben explain about how normally it would have been a total of acolytes and 1 mole with all 5 running through the maze but half the time.

The other four see competition and try to kill each other instead of trying to, work together get through all the obstacles in the maze without dying why the other half of the time some don't make it nearly as far as we did because whoever they have chosen the carry the flame thrower either torches everything down or kills everybody before they can make it.

And after telling me all this Babyface pain finally revealed one last thing, as he says " and I figured this would be a good way to pay you back for that punch that you gave me back at the lake." And I thought I held a grudge as we sit there and start laughing and then head back to the cars we hear the strange whistling sound flying through the air then my army training kicks in and I knew exactly what it was as I yell " everyone get down it's a mortar!"

As soon as I say that and everyone hits the ground the first mortar, strikes in between two of the cards blowing them completely up we all run back to the maze but then I stopped because I noticed two of our people are not moving one of them was Cisco himself and the other was Babyface Ben still lying on the ground then another whistling sound I quickly run over to Babyface Ben and pick him up.

And start running back towards the maze again as the second mortar shell, strikes the spot where Babyface Ben was laying ayhan Babyface Ben to the other brothers and run back out to help Cisco I watch as Cisco drops to the ground as I get over to him I noticed a big chunk of metal in his lower spine.

To be continued.


  • Tony Clements

    Tony Clements

    Feb 19, 2018

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