This Time For Keeps 1
Read Count : 146
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
"How much do u care about me?" "Alot" "How much is alot?" " I don't know why?,where is all this coming from?" "Well it's a pretty straight forward question, and I'm asking because you promised not to speak to that bitch again, you promised we will move forward and all those skanks will be in the past and yet you continue ....did you think I wouldn't find out, do you honestly think just because you said you won't do something and stuff that I'm going to openly and honestly trust you? Cause if that's really what you thought then you sure as hell wrong, moving forward and trying to work on a better future is one thing, but you blatantly lying to my face day in and day out .... thinking what... god alone knows cause its sure as fuck isn't that ...this women knows my patterns or she's going to find out sooner or later I betrayed her trust yet again or even how hurt and angry it will make her...no all you think about and have been thinking about is yourself and your "PERSONAL SPACE" well guess what I know you spoke to her and I know you lied and I don't give a fuck about your sob stories but it's clear as crystal you can't do without her in your life.... so not matter we married for 16 years or share three beautiful kids to you it's always been you and you alone." Rein.... it's not what you think we just friends that's all nothing more I swear to god there's nothing else happening. ...God Rein I wouldn't do what you think I did" "Save it Ethan.... I don't give a fucking shit anymore you are speaking to visiting her and god alone knows what and the mere fact that you can't stop is simple enough to show me that I'm the world's biggest cunt for believing that we can work that no matter the distance we can try and build what we promise each other so long ago... but you know what Ethan it's over I'm taking a separation from you when you knock off work this evening please pick up a bag of you clothes I wil contact your family and let them know what happen and that you would be needing a place to stay so good bye Ethan." " You Fucking bitch...." He pulls her by her long black hair and wraps it around his fist then using that other hand he coils it into a fist and starts to pound it against her face arms or any open area he can get all the while telling her how she's driving him insane and how she makes him turn to other women because he's repulsed with her body as it's fat and how he hates her big fucking mouth because she's straightforward and think she's untouchable just because she walks the straight and norrow and does things to the book. Once he releases her hair she falls back against the cabinets in the kitchen.... she trys to regain her balance but he shoves her back hard and she falls to the floor immediately he starts kicking her all the while spewing profanities and insults to her ...thus making her curl into a fetal potion in order to protect her face and something. ... in the back ground her kids are screaming for him to stop beating up their mum and to leave her alone but he doesn't.... he stops just long enough to bend over and start punching her again.... he stops when he hears the eldest child threatening to call the cops and that's when he jumps up to ask the kid what he said ... as Rein gets to her feet as quickly as she can but shes hurt and bleeding which she makes it abit difficult for her to move faster as she would like in order to use her body to shield to protect her kids from Ethan..... but Ethan is alredy onto he lounge stalking his next victim his kids ....he shoves his Eldest child his son of thirteen years hard against the wall and couch that causes he kids to fall over he then turns to slap his eldest daughter of seven years hard across her face telling them to stay the fuck out of this ....before he turns back to his son James. ... Rein is there pulling and pushing her kids behind her and telling him to get the fuck out of their house ....that she's done with him and he can have his bitches and leave them the fuck alone apart from the fact that she will make sure he pays child support for his kids ......