The Love
Read Count : 127
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
A girl sees a boy in the halls boy notices and leaves his number in her Locker latter that night the boy gets s text. Girl:hey Boy:hey Girl:.... Can I tell u something? Boy:only if i can tell u something two. Girl:ok u first. Boy: I've alwayed loved u. Girl:waw really?!? Boy:yes Girl:I was going to tell u that. The next day the girl gets a call from the boy. Boy:hey can I ask u something? Girl:sure Whats up? Boy: I have loved u for a long time.... and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend? Girl:I love to.... but I cant Boy:what? Why not? Girl:I have to go Boy:oh ok bye The boy knew something was wrong but decided that if she wanted to tell she would. The next day the boy got a text from the girl. Girl:hey we need to talk Boy:ook? Girl:I'm very sick and dieing I'm so sorry... Just know I love u💟 Boy:WHAT?!?! Girl:I'm at the doctor Boy:on my way The boy whent to the doctors and sees her in the bed sick he knew she didnt have much longer. He said to her that he loved her as he held her hands and felt her last hug. While she passed he whisperd under his breath "I love you" girl says back in soft week voice "I love you too" as she dies the boy crys for a few days but then dies from hunger.
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