The Sucicide Of The Lonely And Depressed Man Who Were Deprived Of Love Read Count : 136

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Thriller
It was the 16th of april 1965 i believe,jaylon st rose was dead as a door knob.He was the great uncle of my mother and a close family friend.It was around10 o clock at night,the windhad an unusual coldness to it.The night was strangely still.The moon hide half way,behind the cloud.There was a sudden knock on my bedroom door and my sister entered"still awake" she said as she laid a small shoe box on my  bed and left the room.

I immediately jumped up and looked at the box  with causion as if the box would some how harm me,athousand questions occupied my mind.The box had my name written on it in red,I slowly opened the box and looked in side.There was a brown note book inside with the name jay written on it,and in green ink the words "after reading this burn and scatter the ashes far away,let no one else have knowledge of what is written in this book for  if contain  thoughts that should never be didcorvrd they should be distroyed for all times.

Monday 15th june 1807 12:30 am

As i layed in bed,and close my eyes darkness embraced me,as i saw a creature, that looked like human but was not he .had long black long hair platted.He was bare back,his skin was pale his stomach flat,he had a tattoo of a beast on his left breast, a beast that no man has ever seen,suddenly he vanished and i began thing to my self .locked in a prison with no escape ,kee

ping track of long lost days where will my weary soul reside.when there is nothing left inside,who will want my pain ful soul,whose actions made of me a fool.can i ever live with my self or in eternal darkness  dwell,can light of truth free me or all alone will i ever be.The fate of my life is long gone for i have done too much wrong.

Tuesday 17th june 1807 1 am

I layed in bed with a soul with no one to call my own, how the lonely ness .Eats my soul as a wolf feast upon his victim,wake me up in side for my soul has died. In my heart there is a moor a gothic ,grey. and ghostly place.A ravaged plane of love and loss un bounded ba all time and space.I see her unmined  by mist and lighting running rooted in the stone.I hear her singing for her life,I feel my soul  chilled  to the bone .The wind weaves serpants from her hair and wings,her cloak about her skin,my shouts of love are swollowed up and lost in the un  space.Monsters roam the space between us ,restless sprits seeking blood.

Wednesday 1:30am

Will my troubled heart not give me no fucking peace,it aches with a pain like  no other.Death so called,is a thing which makes men  weep and yet a third life is passed in sleep.Oh how I  yearn for the sprit of death to over take me so this pain in my heart is no more.


Come darkness my only friend ,that supports me at night and the only lover i have ever known.Bring with u the creatures of the night man so hate.It was a night of darkness,a song of night lay over me ,as wolves vent their cry.The eternal one stirs,Darkness shrouds her stalking form ,a time less life she behold for me.Her inkey blackI hair cascade over translucent ivory shoulders.And her full red lips slightly open to taste the sweat of his neck as he sweats in fear.As she strokes his shakeing body.

Friday 11pm

Not haveing a wife to lay next to, and kiss her sweet  and her body haunts me.Being in bed with only pillows for comfort, what use is this life,if i cannot enjoy the comfort of a woman. I suddenly heard a voice say to me,He handed the chain to her and she attached ,it to her collar that rested around her neck.Accepting his control over her,as easily as she accepts her submission to him.Power is not something that you take very easily it is earned  by careful secduction.The bowl of milk was set before her, she knelt forward and just as  the rigid tip of  her tounge made contract a loud crack rang out behind her. She flinched as the riding crop left a welt.The pain as delicious as the milk still lingered in her mouth.

Why not this toture end why my days are so dread ful,why do i not just die and put an end to this horrible existance.If death will not come, may be i should bring it to my self,the much needed release from this world of pain and suffering.But frist i must taste taste the body of a woman. SO i brought a whore  around 27 years of age.I kissed her lips and her neck,as i fingered her as she moaned.And fought my hand to free her  vigina from my fingering,as she struggled to speak as she moaned.She moaned so much she lost her voice.So now I have tasted a young girl,i will now end my life.

SO uncle jay  did not die from a natural death he killed him self.Because he was alone and and consumed by darkness.After closeing the the note book,i went to sleep it was around 3 in the morning. The next evening ,when my parents and sister went for dinner.I burned the note book placed the ashes in a urn and burried it deep in the woods behins my house.Lonelyness can send a sane human insane.


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