Some Words With With Myself Read Count : 222

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
Feeling drowsy one evening
Lost in a totally different world
I started recollecting my past..

All I could see was 
An unresolved history with
A helpless soul in agony..

There's a urge inside me
Shoving me to go back 
And make situations better..

But the truth hindered in between
Highlighting the fact that
Nothing can be done now..

The mind recalled about
The words that people promised
But that were never kept..

The heart recalled about
How every time 
It was broken apart..

The only thing that
Stood by me was
A silent and lonely soul..

I thought and thought
But came up with nothing
And finally..

The conclusion that came was
Neither I can change my past
Nor suppress the scars it has given..


  • Deepika Kumari

    Deepika Kumari

    Fabulous words! N plot matches perfectly with the flow of feelings. Great.

    Feb 12, 2018

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