Made For War Read Count : 136

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Chapter one. I was born to queen and king of sasori my village everyone thinks since I'm a princess I had it all but our village is very poor. I am the only child on my parents king christian and queen Sabine I am princess safire well now a qween of our village now let's step back in time to look at how I got here.When I was 7 my mother was killed by a intruder from the village of kamki my father was a ruthless ruler and went with his army to fight that village 100 years later and they still have not returned our people live up to 500 years old so I can wait for him. Now when the new king and queen was decided I was basically forgotten and cast out I was told I have powers that no man or woman has ever had my mother was a sori  and so was my father a sori is a person bread for war I  am one myself but even other sori's didn't know how my powers worked even the king was scared of how powerful I was. Me a princess built for war had to fight to even get food I was soon banished from the very village my parents started and was alone in the world it seemed . I went to the village of kamki to better myself under the name of sora I told them I was born to a family of fishermen that my family had died at see I was taken in taught how to use my powers and had a family till one night a man a intruder broke into our home he took the only person I could call a friend sorook sister of morak sorook was just a jungi the lowest of ranks in the army his age was 70 his brother morak was a sori like me and my age 110 we are all three very young but we are the champions of the arena where the recruits for the army fight to see who is the strongest. What was we to do but go after him ourselves as we chased him through the woods till he stopped and turned around and slowly started to laugh.He laughed and said you fools have done exactly as expected you are now doomed as kasky's stepped out of the darkness kasky's are the highest rank in the army there was no less then 15 of them and just 2 of us as sorook was unconscious on the ground.Morak began to laugh saying our power is unmatched with a shocked look on my face told him to be quite even as much training as I have been through my powers still have yet to reach there full potential at that moment they lunged ready to kill us as me and morak pulled out our weapons and got into defensive position. Outnumbered our odds of survival was slim as we struck 3 kasky's down it looked as if they had found out I did not know my true power.As I was struck across my face falling to the ground morak summoned the spirit of fear sorook had gotten up and we ran into the woods to get away. Outmatched and no way to get back to the village without fighting them again as morak stood up and said he will take them all a shadowy figure came from behind him by the shoulder as he turned around to strike the mysterious figure blocked his attack and said we must hurry and stepped into the moonlight it was king James the 2nd ruler of kamki the strongest sori to have ever been.


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