My New Power. Chapter 11
Read Count : 202
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
Before we get started I encourage all of you who havent read my message about joining my writing group you just need to message me your age, genre(s) you're good at writing and what you will do if you join. And I'm only taking 2 more people to join, so hurry and message me! However, let's get right into the heart of today's story. ************ Alright Jack before we do anything I need to warn you that the professor told me that your mana levels are through the roof so let's hold back on anything that include using your power because the spells you might be able to do might take a lot of mana to cast and you'll end up very tired. Sure Bryon, I'll hold back on that. Ok, good. First we need to activate your rune. How exactly do we do that? Ok first you need to concentrate on your power, concentrate on fire, how it looks, concentrate on that flame and mentally call for it and summon it. Oh ok I'll try. "I closed my eyes and thought of fire, a small flame at first completely harmless. But it was growing stronger and stronger, I called saying come to me let me control you show me what you can do. Then the flame turned from an orange color to a hot red growing uncontrollably, then the scene changed I was in my own home, no one was around everything seemed weird, then out of no where the house had caught on fire which kept on growing incessantly. I had to run to the sink and turned on the faucet, throwing water at the fire only makes it worse the flames intensified. I started feeling the heat surrounding me and I closed my eyes feeling like I was going to burn alive when suddenly I heard a voice calling my name over and over again -- Jack! Jack! Wake up. I slowly opened my eyes, seeing myself on the floor and Bryon over me. Jack you did it, you activated your rune, but you fell and wouldn't wake up. I jumped up breathing heavily moving away from Bryon scared of what I just saw. What happened Jack what did you see? I saw my own house burning in flames and fire almost devouring me in the intense heat. Oh my -- Yeah, Bryon I don't know how dangerous this rune is but I know what it can do. I looked down on my wrists seeing a weird symbol guessing that was the rune for fire. I stared at it coldly scared of what this could do. My New Power - Chapter 12 Coming soon! Hope, you guys enjoy this story. Don't forget to rate, comment, and share this story. See you next time. Bye! I Love You!