4 Hours, 38 Minutes, 19 Seconds
Read Count : 150
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Finally off work now…on my way home –my day has been stressful and very long –car keys dangling in my hand … –ready to see my kids…my other demand –kinda’ dark out here –yet, I really feel no fear –been getting’ off late like this for over a year –finally, so good to see my car –thankful that I don’t live very far… –I hit the unlock button as I get close –my mind falls on the company party I was just elected to host... –my heart is beating faster now…and my mind begins to race… –as I now feel his demon-dipped hand across my unsuspecting face… –am I really in this place? –I am completely frozen within my shell… –“if you move bitch, imma’ slice you up…” –his whispered warning straight from hell –3 quick, hard punches to my face…my blood-is all I smell –I feel myself slowly begin to fade away… –memories flooding through my mind, along with my thoughts… –wondering… –if I’ll live to see another day –why me? –I try to focus my eyes… –but I can barely see –a fist of rage almost sealed them shut… –my face counted…the number was three –right eye dead…left eye has a little vision –I feel like now… I have to make a decision –I have to fight…I have to scream... –please God, tell me this is just a horrible dream –NO, a nightmare… –I shoulda’ been more aware… –he suddenly, viciously pulls me by the back my hair… –then plunges his hand deep inside me… –a pain I can hardly bare –I focus on a clock on the wall... –its hands creep aimlessly around… –I feel helpless…inside.. –as void as a doll –he violently pries open my legs –the woman…the person I was… –brutally ripped to shreds –every monstrous thrust I feel pushed forcibly inside... –a new reality that makes me wish I had already died –yet, I fight still to survive –then feel his blade pierce my side –he tells me to open my mouth up wide –he shoves his weapon sadistically towards my throat –so hard in fact, I continuously choked –he slaps me in the face…calls me a “stupid fuckin’ ho” –then again, heads back to the wreckage below –looking back at the clock once again –it has become an enemy –and strangely enough, my friend –please show me the hour, the minute, the second… –my suffering will come to an end –now, here alone... –several days now, I’ve been back at home –awake I am here…feeling dead within myself –I search for an ounce of strength –but realize I have little, if any left.. –it took him 4 hours, 38 minutes, 19 seconds to torture and rape me... –what’s the going rate nowadays for stealing someone’s humanity? –I expect our legal system to provide justice that I can see –there should be no time in this life- that he is ever set free –to arrive in this place was an emotional battle –to that dark place in my life…I must once again travel –my story dismissed as the judge bangs that gavel –justice system? – a declaration I now, forever doubt… –installed these fears and countless tears –only eight years and he’ll be out –and about