Story Time:My First School Shooting
Read Count : 131
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Comedy
So,This happened when I was 15,I was in a ghetto school but I won't say any names but I will make fake names.Lets start the story,It started when Chris walked up to walked up to Mike and Chris said "I heard you were trying to talk to my girl"And to make it clear,Mike was a strong,Tall,and big guy.Mike turned around and said "Do you have a problem with that?"And Chris said "Yeah,i do"Then Mike says "After shcool,you meet me out at the back of the school"and the class I was in,The teacher gave 0 fucks about us,he gave up on everybody in his class,My bestfriend would always bring in a radio and we play music while the teacher just fell asleep,Lets get to the end of school.Chris walks out as Mike stands there with his gang and Chris walks up and says "are you ready to get your ass beat?"Mike laughs and says "I should be asking you that."Mike tries to punch Chris,but Chris dodges it and he punches Mike and Mike's nose bleeds and he keeps trying to punch him bit Chris does the same thing until Chris gets tired of it and does a 3 piece and it went like left,Right,Upper cut and Mike goes unconscious and his gang tries to fight Chris but he takes them out by doing the same thing he did to Mike.And Chris says "Now..I get the respect"Everybody starts clapping and it was 1 week later and everybody was getting ready on the day before graduation and Of course Chris is helping his girl out with trying to pick out her graduation cap and other things like that.I don't really know all of it but I do know that Mike and his gang had guns and they were looking for Chris and I saw everybody jumping out of the 3rd floor window and I started to think "What the hell are they doing?"I legit thought they were suicidal,But my instincts came before my thoughts did and I jumped out the window and i ran home.Somebody broke their arm jumping out the window..I was the person that broke my arm..But,That was it,Or that's all I know about it..I will try to remember another crazy story,If you want me to remember another story,I can try.