Read Count : 63
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Hey, you. Yeah, you. Can i ask you something? Something deep? Are you more afraid of death or of not really living? Which one scares you the most? I want you to do something for me. Wherever you are or whatever youre doing, stop. Stop, close your eyes, and think. Try to imagine a world. Imagine a world without HATE. Do you like the idea? Or can you even imagine such a thing? Out of every thing you can imagine? Are dragons and mermaids and saving the world more imaginable than actually living in a world without discrimination, bullying and hatred? Why is that? Maybe its how the world is meant to be or maybe its just our society. Anyways, lets go back to the question. Would you be more afraid to stop breathing and just die..or to be alive and breathing..without really living? Most people will take a while to answer this question. So, let me elaborate a little more. If you stay, I will tell you a story about a girl. A girl who answered this question ....very clearly