Damaged Goods Read Count : 215

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
We have all read the poem “ A child learns what he lives”
Well here is a story for your mind.
Imagine a large tall building that reaches well into the sky, it
Spans the size of
Several city blocks, It's stone facade creating shadows on all that
sits in its path. Windows that are small covered in bars, dark
shade pulled tight. The title on the Building up so high no one can see.

You get an eerie feeling looking at its menacing structure, upon
entering it's
the jail like doors you come upon a foyer large and rather plain. The
looks as if she hasn't seen the sun in 25 years, her face pelted
with frown lines, so bad that you aren't sure she has ever smiled.

Walking further down a narrow hall you see a sign plain and
brown on the wall
that simply states “showroom --->”. you come upon a large set of
doors dark and guarded by two men who check your
identification and
open the doors, a haunting groan is heard as the doors open.

You enter a large room with shelves in neat rows each labeled
the first one you see says “ babies ages newborn to 12 months,
race white or other”
your heart sinks as you feel a sick knotting feeling in the pit of
your stomach.
You walk closer and begin to see exactly what the sign described
each child
looks healthy and beautiful. But their eyes seem to show there
pain. As you round the first corner you see another shelf with a
labeled “ Clearance “ and you see children that are half grown

you see their questioning face knowing they are trying their best
to look
the best and be the best deal for your money.
Now that is what the foster care system is like to the children who
live in it....

And if some of us children are real lucky we
get a break and find a shopper willing to buy damaged goods...
© 2010 Dell Anne Raye
All Rights Reserved


  • Erica D

    Erica D

    So heartbreaking

    May 15, 2017

  • May 15, 2017

  • May 15, 2017

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