Castles Made Of Sand ...
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Sub Category : Politics
Castles made of sand, slip into the sea, eventually. Those are sage words from lyrics of a song by Jimi Hendrix. They seem appropriate today in regards to the lax attitudes and non-actions of our Congressional representatives towards the confirmed cyber attack by Russia and questionable collusion by some in the Trump campaign organization. Secretary of State Tillerson said on Meet the Press this weekend that "there is no question that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election." So, we have established beyond doubt that Russia attacked our electoral process, the foundation of our democracy. Where is the outrage? What is the response? The answer so far is "none" to both questions. By now, the Great America of the past would have responded to Russia's attack in spades. With our cyber technology, we should have totally destroyed the reputations of Putin and his oligarch henchmen in the motherland by now. Making sure that every Russian citizen learned the true story of how Putin & Company have hijacked the wealth of their nation. While millions of Russian people stand in lines daily to buy meager staples, Putin dines on caviar in one of his mansions. WHY hasn't this informational counter response yet happened? Why haven't we asked our representatives WHY? WHY haven't our Congressional representatives pushed harder to get their respective investigations into high gear to get to the bottom of the possible Trump campaign and administration collusion with the Russians? This is urgent business that should be prioritized over all other legislative matters, no? It's like they are concerned with the dinner table setting when there is a raging fire in the basement of the house. WHY have our Congressional representatives not been moved to action already in regards to the slam dunk admission of obstruction of justice by Fake President in his FOX Fake News interview regarding the Comey firing? Now back to the castle in the sand analogy. There are many here among us that think this is but a joke. But let's not talk falsely now, for this cannot become our fate. (apologies to Bob Dylan for the changes). You see, we cannot afford to take our democracy, our freedoms for granted. Not when Fake President is presiding over reporters being arrested for asking questions, reporters are being banned from press briefings and federal judges are being questioned on their motives and ridiculed. Alt-right Republicans have always loved to talk about the proverbial "slippery slope" when it came to any small change in existing law or societal mores. But now when it comes down to monumental issues that could fundamentally change our way of life, these hypocrites want us to believe there is no there, there. Castles in the sand ... SAD!
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