What Does It Mean Read Count : 139

Category : Songs

Sub Category : LoveSong
What does it mean to cry 
What does it mean to say I love you
Does it mean anything when it's a lie
careless, irresponsible,reckless
I'm all of those you say
what does mean in yours eyes 
what am I?
I've already been down this path
I know how it ends crying and a broken heart. what did it mean 
what does it mean if I walk down this path again does it mean it will end diffently does it mean I won't walk down this path again
no I'm fool to think of this. 
to think going down the same path would change
 what did it mean what does it mean
what did it mean when you said you loved me 
it meant nothing to you something to me
What did it mean the words I love you 
When I cried
It meant something to me but nothing to you 
It meant something to me but nothing to you
What did it mean 
What does it mean 
What did it mean 
What does it mean


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