War Read Count : 106

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
War is a terrible thing but some people love it or more specifically a kind of dragon a war dragon she was the last of her kind because I a attempt to end war the rest of her kind were killed. This is the tale of a war dragon and her name is Crimson.

 Crimson feel from they sky to land in a forest not far from the dragon tribe of life. A young life dragon was out in the forest looking around when he saw crimson fall from the sky  and he rushed towards her not knowing if she was okay and just wanting to  help. Now this young dragons name was Blue because of the color of his scales and he was a kind dragon and loved to help hurt things. When he reached Crimson he was very careful not knowing if she was awake or if she was asleep. Blue carefully checked her pulse and blew the ash of of her scales and gasped when he saw that she had the black scales of a war dragon. Crimson" Ugh were am i ." Crimson looked stood up slowly and looked around. Crimson". I can see you blue scales" Blue came out from behind the tree that he had quickly hid behind. " Y..
Your part of war clan?!" Crimson looked sadly at he scales and sat down" crorrection blue scales I am war clan I am the last war dragon alive." Crimson sniffed the air" wait your a life dragon! That means! I can't stay here they'll kill me!" Blue" War please clam down I won't tell my tribe that your here!" But Crimson wasn't listening and she was getting ready to fly off but when she heard war she looked at him." What is your name life dragon? Blue" my name it Blue what's yours?" Crimson " my name is Crimson now can you help me I need to..." She feel down with a dart sticking out of her neck. " Crimson?" Blue poked her but she didn't move that was when the wind changed and blue caught the sent of humans and quickly his crimson with a spell and looked acted as if he was just sitting in a clearing looking up at the clouds.

 End of part 1 of 6


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