I Am Evil Read Count : 177

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
I am evil. I hold no regards for your feelings. I will take your beliefs and shred them just to watch your foundation crumble, and when I've finished I will smirk at the chaos that I have created.      I am evil.
I acquire knowledge at a vast rate not to help society, but to tear it down. Your comfortable life sickens me. Your mundane existence is laughable. Scurrying around from one boring task to another, you forgot what it's like to experience life. But I will rip your facade down piece by piece until there is nothing left but truth. Your truth is a lie. Fabricated by lies told before you. 
For my actions you will call me evil.
I dont care. For I am as society sees me. 

                   I am evil.


  • Um k

    Feb 21, 2018

  • Edward Gutierrez

    Edward Gutierrez

    It's a piece I wrote to confront what I believe to be some of my worst qualities. All the actions within the piece are ment as an intellectual tear down not a physical one. In other words I'm not writing about violence as it exists in a physical form but a violent change in the thinking process.

    Apr 21, 2018

  • Cody Williams

    Cody Williams

    that is deep. you did very well.

    Mar 04, 2018

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