Blood Shot Hatred
Read Count : 119
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Sick of knowing You hate my glory Tired of seeing You stabbing in my sleepin No more why dumb questions Just accepted you sad man stressing My ways my very disgusting shame You obessed with.. guessing you should wish me dead and still I rise m.angelou I got no mommy, so I take a bit of every Ms lady determined eyes singing to get me by Laying down with those guys Just to survive In order to save my children from his mad eyes Yet I can only save my sorrows by coping to what ivevakways denied I can't rhythm sing rap or write but I can fuckin try I can stop being a beat up version of a homecoming queen Faking it for an image of bullshit meaningless things I crave my spirit bitch You stole it but I attracted it So need to be drastic and live fully forward fashion No time to waste gambling The what ifs and worrying tactics Decide. .. right now Will I bow down to your hateful bloodshot junkie eyes Or choose a new thought of forgiveness and make it out alive...pure gratitude for all you've done. Pain stabbed with rage n hate but im choosing love n blessing you and where I once lived Resentment I'm done