Dead Read Count : 130

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery

It was a cold soon to be winter day in British Columbia. Rain pours down like a waterfall, making loud noises as it hits the ground. Car horns beeping from a far distance and heavy winds blow up against the trees and onto my pale white skin. I look around the empty, long roads and stare at the dirty puddles that lay all over the ground. I could do nothing but stand there, lost, not knowing how to get home. No phone to call for help. It was useless. Freezing, i stood there. I knew I had to move and go somewhere. Somewhere is better than going nowhere. Unless you are at home watching youtube with a pile of food laying right beside you. In that case, i prefer to not go anywhere else. Here I am starving and freezing and talking about dumb crap. I should be trying to find some sort of bus station. But i was too weak too move.

Hours later, the rain started pouring harder as the wind blew colder and the night got darker. I slowly walk along the roads getting no where. Not able to see where i was going. No light in the distance. Just the sound of my own foot steps, the rain and the wind. I wanted nothing else but to get home and binge off oatmeal raisin cookies and banana muffins. Mmm. The thought of food makes my stomache growl painfully. 
As I keep walking for another few hours, I stop and fall to my knees. I felt too tired and too weak to get back up. Besides, it was too dark to see anything so i may as well sleep the night off and find my way back home in the morning somehow.

 I sit there on my knees, laying on the wet road getting all soaked. I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of the rain. It was very calming. Then i hear soft ecchoes of footsteps from a distance. I open my eyes and look behind me. I couldn't see anyone. Maybe i was hearing things. I close my eyes once again. Then i hear the footsteps, but it sounded as if it were much closer than before. For the second time, i open my eyes and look behind me. I see nothing. I couldn't even hear the footprints. Could it all just be a noise in my head? Maybe it's just because I'm tired. Maybe....
Closing my eyes for the last time, I hear nothing but silence. Untill the sound of heavy footprints appear for the last time. They get louder and louder. It felt real. It felt as if someone was actually there. Was it real? I open my eyes but was not able to turn my head. I try to move my body but was un able to. I couldn't do anything but sit there with my eyes wide open. I start hearing a low voice behind me followed by more and more footprints. I wanted to look behind me. I wanted to look so bad. 
But i couldn't 
And after that moment, i was no longer able to feel anything. I couldn't move or talk or eat or play. All i could do is lay there in my own puddle of blood. Wondering if i could have done anything to stop what happened to me. No.......
Nothing could have saved me
Not even myself
I was too weak
I was too frightened 
I was useless


  • I loved it. Just my kind of story.

    Feb 21, 2018

  • Aneka F

    Aneka F

    thank you so much Madison😊

    Feb 21, 2018

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