I Stand Read Count : 112

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Here I stand, be it with others or alone.
Here I stand, be it in the face of great numbers.
Here I stand, for me, for a voice given to ones with none.
Here I stand, for all that is right.

Here alone I stand, to finally say what has to be said.
Here alone I stand, for those whose voice can't be heard.
Here alone I stand, to defend those who can't defend themselves.
Here alone I stand, for fear has no place behind this badge.

Here I stand my duty is my honor.
Here I stand civil to keep peace.
Here I stand to ease others fears.

Here I stand, my life on the line. 
Here I stand, not for the pay.
Here I stand, for the belief that peace is the way.
Here I stand duty and honor bound throughout all time.

Here I stand, my badge proudly displayed.
Here I stand my oath, duty and badge to speak for others.

Here I stand, I have many names.
Here I stand, an officer, a human being.
Here I stand backing our men and women in blue. 

© 2013 Copyright Dell Anne Raye
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  • May 15, 2017

  • May 15, 2017

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