The Return Of The Soul Read Count : 134

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
I heard a knock at the door. I got up from eating my eggs and bacon, and walked over to the door. To my astonishment I saw the devil himself. “ Why are you here?” I asked in a motion voice.

“ Well I  am glad you asked Caren. I need your help.” he replied

“ Satan why would you want my help, besides what is in it for me?” I asked in the same motion voice. 

“ Do you remember when you gave your sole to me in the 7th grade?” he said hoping Caren would remember on her own.

Caren then flashed back to when she was in the 7th grade. It was a muggy day outside and the wind was blowing as always. She walked into school with long sleeve shirt and pants in the middle of June. Like she did every day, and every day her thoughts betray her. Why am I so judgmental? I mean i'm a nice person, but my thoughts say i’m not. Why am I so self conscious?  Like I laugh way too easily, I don't look good in a bikini  and I know my only 2 friends  hate me. I Just know it. I’m just so stressed with everything. Would it really be that bad if I left this plant? Thoughts like these keep coming in everyday. After school she saw her boyfriend walking her enemy to the ice cream place on day and realized he was cheating on her.  She ran home and cried for hours. She thought her parents would hear her, so she tried to keep quiet. Her parents went out that day, leaving her alone. An hour past and she was still sobbing when she heard a knock at the door. Satan appeared. He was a tall, muscular, red man, who had horns growing out of each side of his monteris head and a long tail with a speir like point at the end. 

“ Hello Caren. I am Satan. I heard your cries and I am here to help you.” He said as if he was making a sale. 

“ What the… why are you here? How did you hear me?” Caren asked self consciously.

“ I can hear and see all,” he said. “I am hear to help you. I can get rid of all the feelings you have and you will never be hurt again. All you have to do is lie down on your bed and I will take your feelings away. I can also take away the voice in your head, I know that they stop you from telling your parents a lot of things. You will have no fear, Anger and you will no longer suffer from pain. It is as simple as that!” Satan said trying to sound nice as possible.

Caren nodded then walked Satan to her room. She was so distressed that she was not thinking. She laid down on her maroon bed covers on her bed, face up. Satan stood before her, right as he was going to attracted her soul he quickly added that she would never love or be happy again. Caren was about to object but it was too late she had already been tricked. Saten held her head and extracted her soul before she could argue, She screamed and wiggled her whole body around trying to free herself, but it was no use, He had her soul in his hands, then he shaped his fingers and he was gone. 

Now 20 years later Caren would have felt outraged, but she had no feeling so she didn't feel anything for him or towards him. “ So why do you need me? Asked caren in the monotone voice.

“ May I come in first, these rats you call people are staring.” 

Caren is a tall, strong woman, with hazel eyes, and straight light brown hair. It was almost always down and pulled back behind her ears. She wore a yellow office sweater with a black tank top underneath. Her pants were army green and she wore gold flats.

She let him in, and offered him a seat on the brown leather couch. She then took the seat in front of him.

“ I’ve heard you have been having dreams with your parents in them.” Satan said as if he knew her by the back of his hands.

“Yeah , you know they died in the car accident 4 years ago. Anyway what do you want from me? “ Caren asked, again the only tone she had.

“ I got into some trouble with the stupid all around happy and pleasant angles. If you help me, I will give you back your Soul and you will be able to have feelings again. You will be able to love and have joy again.” Satan said trying to get her to want her feelings back.

“ Ok, whatever, what do you need me for.”

“ So I take it you are in?”

“Yes, but what do I need to do?”

“ I'm glad you asked. I need you to die. Then you must kill 3 people to prove you are worthy, and will do me good, then I’ll give you back your soul, but you will already be dead so feelings won't be useful to you.”

Caren having no feelings and not thinking whatsoever she said yes.

“ Great! I’m Glad you will join.” Satan said cheerfully.

Satan put his hand out and Caren took it. Satan cracked his neck, and snapped his fingers. Caren felt a sudden rush of pain, and agony. She went limp in his hand. A wind swirled around her like a tornado, she started lifting up into the sky, but Satan realized that God was trying to take her, so he dug his nails into her hand. Blood dripping from her hand making Satans hand look darker than it already was. The wind grew stronger, But so did Satan. He grabbed her arm and dug his nails deeper into her. She would have been crying by now if she was still alive. The wind then stopped. He now had her for eternity.  He snapped his fingers again and she was back from the dead. 

“ Now, you shall be called the Grim Reaper” Satan said with an ear defining laugh.

He had tricked yet another person into thinking he was going to help them. There was only one thing left to do,that was to give her back her soul, but only dissipa, hate, braty and the feeling of a killer.   

  “ I’m going to the hospital.” Caren, now the Grim Reaper, stated.

“ What no you are not I have 3 people in mind for you to kill!” satan said annoyed.

“ NO I’M NOT! YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER ME! SO NOW I ASK YOU, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY SOUL?” The reaper shouted. She grew taller as she spoke, now she was towering over Satan as if he was an ant. “ why do you trike people like this? You know what? For your sake id suggest that you give me back me full soul or you WILL pay the price!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

“ You are not as powerful as me! I WILL ALWAYS BE STRONGER THAN YOU! NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT! “ he screamed with a mysterious laugh.

“ OH IS THAT SO?” she then snapped her fingers three times and Satan dissipated into dust. Now that that is taken care of I shall go get my soul back.

The reaper clapped her hands and she transported to the underworld. It was dark and gloomy, blood dripped from the walls, and when she started walking deeper into the ugly place she found out that Satan’s devils were like regular people with horns and a tail. “Why do you all look like regular people?” the Reper asked a little annoyed. They all turned to her in amazement. 

“ You must be the new Reper!” one of the devils said.

“ How did you know that?” She asked. 

They all bowed to her as if she was royalty. 

“ Why did you do that? And can anyone point me to Satan’s place, I need to get my soul back.”

“Well you are the Grim Reaper, can't you just snap your fingers and you will be there?” One of the devils said.

“ Well you don't  have to be rude about it!” Reaper said annoyed and angry.

She snapped her fingers and a dust formed around her. She closed her eyes and thought of Satan's place. When she opened them again she saw that she was on a new place. The walls were filled with skulls of different animals and people, it was dark and creepy. There was a desk in the middle of the room with a huge chair behind it. In it sat Satan. The door slammed shut by a gust of wind. 

“ So Reper, you thought you could get rid of me that easily, honey i'm invisible and so are you, we will both live forever so let's start off on a clean note, ill forget you tried to kill me, and you can forget I killed you and didn't let you go to heaven. Deal?” Satan said as if it was the best deal ever made.

“Wow ok, you are the absolute worst deal maker!” Reaper said in a sassy tone. “ How about you give me back my soul, then instead of fighting you I forget you are here, and very now and then, I can come cost you and your creeps. Sound good? Cool.”

Satan snapped his fingers and a white world of wind swirled around the reaper. It returned. The reaper could now feel happy, sad, excitement,stress,and love.  

“ Could you at least walk the people to Death, up or down? “ Satan said as if he had just lost a war.

“ Ok, and I'll even kill the people that need to be killed not the ones you want me to kill.” Reaper said like she won a 300 year long war.“ I will meet with you in a month.”  She said

The Reaper snapped her fingers and she disappeared. 

A year later the reaper had taken over 1 million people and animals up and down, and lucky for her she took more up then down. She made a game out of the up or down part, each person gets points,or loses points if he or she did good or bad in there life time. In one particular instance there was a little boy who had died of cancer. When he meet the reaper he asked so many questions.

“ Are you going to kill me?” Asked the boy.

“ No you are already dead, I will take you up or down now.” Reaper in a kind manner, for she had her soul back now.

“ Oh, who do you know where I go?” the boy asked.

“ Well I like the game show version. I act like I am the host and you sit in the chair.” She pointed at the ground of endless space and a nice kelly green chair appeared out of nowhere. “ then I will clip a director to your finger to figure out how much good you did in your lifetime then how much bad you did in a lifetime. You need at least 10 thousand points to go up.”

The little boy, nervous and scared at what will happen, sat down in the big chair. The reaper clipped a monitor the the boy,as he sat timmyd. She pressed the button and a big flat screen appears behind her with two boxes on the screen, one red, one green. It tallied up the score. The perfect score of 10 thousand.

“Yes!” the boy shouted.

“ Congratulations kid, if you walk through the hallway you will be greeted by angels.” The reaper said as she gestured to the doorway that said “heaven” above it, she walked him over to the door they then exchanged the good byes and he walked through the door. 2 seconds later a dog appears.

“ well all dogs go to heaven!” she then walked the dog to the gates and she said good bye, after she gave the dog a gigantic treat. 

Now it was a week later, and it was almost time to go the Satan's place. She put on a new coat of red lipstick and tried to freshen up her look, but it was hard because each time she took a person or animal up or down she lost a piece of her image.This happened because she had to use dark magic to get the people or animals to where they needed to go. So she settled with a new black cloak that covered her face. She snapped her fingers and a gust of wind appeared around her and she appeared in Satan's entrance. She walked thought killer square mindlessly while the devils bowed to her, occasionally she would wave, and a devil would faint, but other than that she looked down untill she came to a big bolted door. She knocked on the door, and it made a big deffning sound.

“ You may enter.” Satan said surprisingly pleasant.

Reaper opened the door and took a seat in a dark red chair in front of to Satan’s. The room now had lights and they had to be on if the Reaper was coming. She liked to see a face of a layer so she could talk to him without fear of something going wrong.

“ So, I see you image is disappearing more and more each day, you know I could restore it for you. I know that I make you uncomfortable, but I thought that we were getting along pretty well.” Satan said as if he was considered. 

The Reaper leaned back in her chair and said, yes he did make her uncomfortable, who wouldn't be in front of the man who stole your soul and turned you into a monster.

“No I'm just fine with my image as it is, and I don't need any help.” she said confidently, but she lied. She felt her stomach tighten and heart race, she was scared and nervous, but did not show it. “ I see you have new Devils.”

“ Yes how did you know?”

“ Well he was the only one questioning my presents and not bowing. It was amazing! I love it when I don't get special treatment!” 

The time is up the time is up, time to say goodbye ! Shouted a speaker in a singing voice. 

“ Well good bye Satan.” the Reaper said as she got up. 

“ Good bye.” Satan said, as if he were sad.

This routine happened for 10 years, then one day when the Reaper was getting ready for the talk with Satan, a golden note appeared on her mirror. It read, “Hello Caren. This is God, and Jesus, we know what happened over the course of the long years. We know Satan tricked you. We were wondering if you would like to come up to where you belong? We can help you.” and that was it, the Reaper sat there in her black cloak,  sitting there looking in the mirror looking at her faded image thinking, and wondering. Until she finally got up and walked to the door.


  • AMAZING! Once again your story has blown my mind and left me speechless wondering what door she decided to walk to! Well done🎉♥️😊

    Feb 21, 2018

  • Apr 21, 2018

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