Tails·Of·Fallen: Part 1 Read Count : 122

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
A 15 year old girl named Anna, sleeping on a Saturday morning with her eyes slowly opening with one hand under her head and the other under her pillow with no blanket just trying to look at the time. It was the 12:45 A.M. She got up and was sitting in a criss cross position rubbing her eye slowly and started to yawn softly. She got up and went out of her room and started to walk to the kitchen and realized that she was alone in the house. Then a couple of minutes pass by and she started to call her mother to see what the mother is up too. The mother did not answer the call. So as Ana was going back to her room she found a little mirror just sitting there on top of the bed. “Hu, It wasn't there before” Anna said with a soft tone. So she grabbed it and she was looking at it. The mirror was a shape of a diamond and the rims of it was a blue fade to purple tint to it. Then while she was looking at it she sees something in the mirror. She sees the Earth crashing into another planet that the other planet was the color red. Then out of nowhere her phone started to ring then Ana dropped the mirror and she got back to the wall stunned on what she saw. The phone rings. Ana picked up the phone and it was her mother. “Hey sweetie sorry that I did not pickup the phone I was shopping for some food” The mother said. Breathes softly “It’s alright mom” Anna replied. The mother questioned  “Why are you breathing?”. Didn't answer at first. “Sweetie are you alright?”. Anna finally replied “I was… I was running mom”. “Oh ok sweetie i’ll be home soon ok?”. “Ok mom” Anna said. They hang up and Anna was just looking at the mirror with concern.


  • Gregory Fish

    Gregory Fish

    i need more

    Feb 20, 2018

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