The Air Between Us
Read Count : 165
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
The snow was falling. I was walking to the street thinking about you. My soul was desperate, my breath was stopping each time more and more. December 25, walking with the darkness, wishing have you to hug and kiss you. It was impossible to do not think in you, if you are all i need to survive. The time passed and i still needed you. I seat in the street crying a lot . When i feel a hand that touched my shoulder. I saw you. You were here. I am here you said. Yes you are here i said. My Erick was here , he hugged me , and we were so close that i thought he was going to kiss me, my heart was so happy now, but why you dont kiss me, i thought. He didn't kiss me. The air was between us like a wall. We were walking for the street you grabbed my hand. I love you, he said. I love you too Erick. Definitely this was one of the saddest Christmas but at the same time was great.