Happy, Happy, Happy. Read Count : 129

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Chasing, like there was never anything else at all. Thrown from the boat to sea, the ripples I made coming back only threw more of me off.

It's okay now though, only you and you alone can suffer when you're on that boat alone and that's the easy part. But what can you offer when someone wants to come one?!

Holes and a scarred vessel that goes no where fast. The lonely journey is the best, because in loneliness it's easier to call out and see your true self.

In the sea of self my boat is the only refuge I have. I dip my toes in and hate the feeling. Nothing is dirtier than these waters. How long do you drift before you finally find something? It's been too long counting.


  • May 15, 2017

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