Dragon Slayers Book One
Read Count : 126
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Chapter 1: The Beginning It started all one day when a comet hit the earth.But this was not any ordinary comet.It was a being from another planet.Then suddenly it arrose from the crator it created.For the first time in my life I saw true horror.A dragon.It was a dark red and blackish color with thorns and spikes all around its body.It had three feet long claws and a giant body.Stunned with fear it opened its gaping mouth filled with razor sharp teeth.Then it roared a petrifing sound.Its mouth started to glow.It was too late before I realized it was about to launch fire at me.I moved as quickly as I could but it spewed a giant wind of devastating heat that took half of my arm.Then it stretched it's wing and flew to the sky.Then I finally saw it's whole body for the first time.Wings long and wide,claws ready to attack, and a look in it's eyes that signified superior strength and death.Then it released the same breath attack on my village that took my arm.The wave of heat went in the direction of my hut.My parents were in their.They didnt have enough time to ge out before the beast from hell shot its breath attack.Then I felt emotionless.Then I didn't care if i died right there.All I cared about was gone.The hut I was born in,grew up in, was raised in was gone before my eyes buring into ashes.I looked back and the beast that took my family away from me descended to the sky.Suddenly other dragons of that came from the sky descended to the sky.The royal army arrived and started shooting their ballista at the dragons in the sky.The bullets bounced of of the dragons skin.One turned around and spewed a gas that was equivalent to acid and the royal army was wiped out by one beast.This was the beginning of a new era.The beginning of the age of dragons.