Pokè-Kombat: Perfect Read Count : 132

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Chapter 1:
Narrator: It was an ordinary summer day. In the Philippines. The gang decided to go to Legazpi City. Home to the world's most perfect cone and home to the Philippines' most active volcano. The Mayon Volcano (In filipino: Bulkang Mayon A.K.A. Mt. Mayon)
Daigon: Here we are.
Narrator: Bonnie asked...
Bonnie: Wow! Am I seing things? Or is that an upside-down ice cream cone?
Narrator: Max said to Bonnie and answered...
Max: I think it's a volcano.
Narrator: Bonnie asked...
Bonnie: What's a volcano
Narrator: Drew replied...
Drew: It's a mountain with a whole at the top. It spews minerals like Uranium and Plutonium.
Narrator: Ash said...
Ash: It's also known as the perfect cone.
Serena: I know that, Ash.
Narrator: Daigon said...
Daigon: Hold on tight, guys. We're gonna land now.
Narrator: They checked in a nearby hotel. But when exactly noon, The Mayon Volcano Erupted.
Ash: Uh oh. The Volcano is erupting
Narrator: They all shouted.
Everyone: WHAT?!
Narrator: Everyone was frightened. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismplogy or P.H.I.V.O.L.C.S raised the eruption alert level to 4 instantly.
Chapter 2:
Narrator: The Organization of Kombat and Pokemon defense Also known as O.K.A.P was appointed by the Legazpi city mayor to rescue the residents on the 4-kilometer permanent danger zone and in the declared 8-kilometer danger zone.
Daigon: We'll split up into 4 groups. Vipergon, Eaglette, and Anfasent come out and help us! OK. Me and Bonnie will fly Vipergon. Serena and Drew will fly Eaglette. And May, Max and Ash will fly Anfasent.
Narrator: here is the plan. Daigon and Bonnie will rescue the kids and Daigon summoned 3 trucks. Drew and Serena rescued the Elderly. And Max, May and Ash will rescue the animals. After an hour of doing that, They saw kano and in great shock.
Daigon: Kano, you bastard! This is my chance to cut of and finally, I will have your head!
Narrator: Max and Bonnie replied.
Max and Bonnie: ewwwww....growse!
Narrator: Daigon said to them...
Daigon: That's our way of fighting. When I kill Kano, just don't look.
Narrator: They said...
Max and Bonnie: OK.
Narrtator: Minutes into the fight, Kano almost killed Serena until...
Daigon: Ash! save Serena!!!
Narrator: He asked.
Ash: Is that the god's will?
Narrator: He said.
Daigon: It's the god's will. Just do it...for Serena.
Narrator: So, Ash came up in to Kano's front and shouted...
Ash: If you want to kill Serena, you better go through me.
Narrator: he said.
Kano: With pleasure.
Narrator: Ash was instantly was striked by an assassin's knife. Serena runs to Ash and Said...
Serena: Ash! Are you hurt.
Narrator: He answered...
Ash: Don't worry Serena, It's the god's will.
Narrator: She said.
Serena: No one will ever replace you.
Narrator he said...
Ash: don't worry Serena, we'll meet again.
Narrator: Suddenly, SHE KISSED ASH! then, He died. Everyone broke down to teers.
Chapter 3:
-Ash in heaven-
Narrator: Ash was in Heaven with Jesus Christ. Ash asked.
Ash: Who are you?
Narrator: Jesus replied...
Jesus: I am the lord that Daigon has been talking about.
Narrator: Ash knelt down and said...
Ash: Daigon is right. You are real.
Narrator: Jesus said...
Jesus: What do you wish? To live with me or continue your journey?
Narrator: Ash said...
Ash: I would love to live with you but I wish to go back to my body. To continue my journey with my friends.
Narrator: Jesus hugged him and said...
Jesus: Your wish shall be granted. My brother, I will be waiting for you here. Go, and continue your journey. I wish you the best of luck. Farewell.
Narrator: Suddenly, A beam of light dropped from the sky. At the same time, The lava fountaining, the pyroclastic flow, the lahar, and the ashfall stopped. All of it the whole eruption stopped. Everyone shouted loudly...
Everyone: IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!!!!
Narrator: Max asked...
Max: Who's that in the clouds?
Narrator: Daigon Answered.
Daigon: It is my lord! Praise thee to the heavens!
Narrator: Jesus said with happiness...
Jesus: My brothers and sisters, I hope you do good deeds. I will be waiting for you in the heavens. And join me in everlasting life.
Narrator: Fireworks suddenly came out from his hands and Ash woke up.
Ash: Serena?
Narrator: Everyone shouted...
Narrator. They were happy. And Ash proposed to Serena and Serena said "yes" A few months later, He and Serena got married and had 2 kids. It is true that once loved, always loved. It is because of god's grace and not of our own decisions. It is true that Jesus is real. Then,  they all lived happily ever after.


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