Confessions Of A Forbidden Love Volume 2 Read Count : 151

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Romance
Chapter 1 the double agent.

I help tornado Cisco up to his feet his nose his eyes his mouth all covered, in blood I dragged him back into the maze ever get inside the maze I checked to see if he still has a pulse fortunately did but it was weak one of the other brothers was about to try to remove The Shard of metal in his back I quickly yell " stop don't do that if you remove that Shard of metal he'll bleed out and he will surely die!"

Brother quickly backed away then Babyface Ben said " how in the fucking, hell did they get past our God damn centuries." And I think about what Babyface Ben said because I to remember on the way up here there was a lot of guards posted for checkpoints. But then  I thought  about it there was a lot of centuries guarding the points.

Every checkpoint and the weapons that they had there should have been, no way for them to get past which meant the Babyface gang was double crossed somebody in the group told ahead of schedule where everybody would be meeting up at and not only that what if the guards were guarding the checkpoints weren't really part of the Babyface gang at all wolves in sheep's clothing then started making all sorts of sense someone here tonight was a double agent.

The only last part I couldn't figure out why here why not back at the mansion, why not attack us before we left? But then the last clue to the puzzle presented itself and that clue was at the beginning of the maze and I knew that the only way to find it was to go back to the beginning of the maze where everybody started I quickly go over to Babyface Ben.

And say to him " hey Babyface I'm not too sure but I think I know how they found us I just need one last piece of evidence." Babyface replied " what are you with the tech of him out with it." I told him in a quick response " not yet believe me the last piece of evidence is key."  He understood and asked me what would I need I told him that I needed to go back, back to the beginning of the maze.

He sent me with the two brothers who were my sponsors as we got to, towards the beginning of the maze my suspicions were right the men who are guarding the entrance of the maze we're lying face down in a pool of their own blood but that wasn't the strange part the strange part was the fact that they were inside the first door of the maze.

And their bodies well is what I expected they weren't killed by the guy with the flamethrower, once throat was completely slit and the other still have the knife in his back I knew it we didn't have one or two moles as I figured at the end of the maze there was a total of 3 but one of them wasn't sent from Babyface one of them was sent from the O'Reilly gang which meant whoever it was must have infiltrated.

The acolyte Brotherhood test and they must have done it before, the test began but that also meant that I wasn't the target Babyface Ben was and if that was the case oh my God I knew I had to run back to where Babyface been was with the other two brothers behind me one of the wolves in sheep's clothing was still there with Babyface Ben.

Me the other brothers quickly running back as we reach the other end, of the maze I see the wolf in sheep's clothing as I expected it was the same acolyte that we heard screen earlier through the maze popping out from a underground tunnel like a gopher he draws a knife getting ready to stab Babyface Ben I took the knife that I pulled out of the entrance cards back and quickly flung it at him the sharpening a blade Pierce right through his hand causing him to drop his knife as a shout out a powerful screen of pain as the bodyguards that were Babyface been turn around and begin shooting at him.

Then everything goes silent it was quiet nothing but wind and gunpowder filled the air, a storm blows then lightning strikes then we hear the sound of Choppers flying then seven men begin walking into the maze armed with Uzi 9mms one of the men tell me what's the sticker hands up and drop any weapons we may have as we start to do so the sound of gunfire fills the air 7 Minute cut the pieces by helicopter fire the Choppers were ours riding in one of them what's Tenaya giving orders as if she was in charge then another set of Choppers begin and dropping M16 in front of us we watch as a rocket flies right past a chopper and hits another.

We quickly pick up the M16 and load him I never thought the day would come, I would pick up another gun even after my Army training I hated guns but looking at the M16 feeling in my hands and seeing my friend lying there just royally pissed me off as I start to open fire first this was the first time I felt like I had to take control of my own fate I wasn't about to let none of these bastards getaway I could see as bullets would fly past me and and feel wings of gold acting as Shields.

I saw a guy with the rocket launcher aiming at the Choppers I am at him, and open fire the bullets from the M16 through him like a hot knife through butter the more I fired the gun the more I felt sick to my stomach killing people even though it was self-defense it was something that I didn't want to do it but I did it inorder to survive but still it make me sick killing people. 

If there was only a better way but I knew at this point there was only one way, and this was it protecting the people around me making sure my family survive it was the only thing that I could do there was no at the choice it was Kill or be killed and I chose to kill which meant that I chose to join this gang war and the one who started this all was David I see now David truly was a demon.

What you mean if anybody had to face him it would be me but being wasn't here, for this battle told me three things 1 was the fact that he wasn't strong enough 2 he was building his time for our final showdown and 3 it meant that no one was longer safe and nowhere was longer safe either he wanted to make sure I got the message loud and clear well the message was received which meant that if I was going to fight.

Then I would have to have Babyface Ben teach me everything he knew, I watch as the men who tried killing us ran in Terror yelling in Spanish "eso no es humano que es un Diablo." Translate it means that is no human it is the devil I watched as one of the other brothers took him out.


  • punctuation!

    Mar 17, 2018

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