Be Sure To Take Your Medicine!
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
When you go to the doctor to get help for a medical problem, the assumption is that you will follow through and do what he or she tells you, so healing can happen. I had a friend went the doctor for a problem he was having. But, then, he complained about having to take medicine. I asked him, "Why did you go to the doctor for help if you were going to refuse to take the medicine he prescribed?" It didn'tt make sense! Another thing that happens with medicines is that we forget to take them because of too much stress or busyness, or whatever. Sometimes, we are not consistent because we only take it when we want to. This can happen with antibiotics when we begin to feel better, we stop taking the medicine. So the next time we may get the same illness and it will be worse because we didn't follow the instructions on the label. If we want to get well spiritually or in whatever mode of life, we need to do what is needed to recover. You can't blame the doctor for not getting well if you fail to do your part. God cannot be blamed either if you don't put your whole effort into being close to him and following him as a lifestyle. If you look at the first seven verses of Psalm 37, you will find a spiritual prescription to have your needs met and how to have a purposeful life, etc. But you can't get what you need if you don't take your medicine. You can't have peace or anything else God offers for your life unless you follow the directions. Have you ever brought something home from the store that needed to be assembled? Maybe you are good at putting things together and can figure out how to do it without them? But, if not, you don't have that skill, directions are necessary. Frustration! Sometimes, the project is missing vital parts or maybe has the wrong ones you need to complete it. The world can give you temporary "fixes" that distract you from what is happening or superficial answers. But, only God can give you the answers you really need to heal. The problem is, some people never come to God, and insist on taking a worldly "medicine" that doesn't heal them completely. If you want healing that will meet the needs of your life, and heal you fully, then you must come to God and follow the prescriptions he gives you in the Bible. But that choice is up to you. If you want to be well, be sure to take your medicine.
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