Ignorance Is Bliss Read Count : 226

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
As long as you exist.
 I will never be free.
Your presence in this world
is my prison.
I do not want to see you
yet I do not wish for your death.
I am trapped.
You are the reminder of a past
I can not escape.
I hide in the shadows 
but your spotlight exposes me.
Will there be a day when I face you?
Where I tell you everything?
I see your darkness.
I know your secrets.
You are clueless to my knowledge.
United by similarities.
Divided by fate.
You are my Hell.
You are my freedom. 
I want a blank slate.
To eject you from my thoughts.
That is my dream.
But I feel 
that will never happen.
I know one truth. 
The truth that is a certainty.
You will be the death of me.


  • Mar 12, 2017

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